Miles Mason, Sr. is joined by principal accountant Cherry Blanton to discuss the gender disparity in public accounting and the future of the CPA profession from a gender dynamics perspective.Cherry Blanton, CPA, is a principal in the attest practice of Watkins Uiberall, PLLC. In Memphis, Tennessee. She has 22 years of experience in public accounting, serving privately held businesses in a wide array of industries.Full Interview: Highlights: Cherry Blanton:E-mail: cblanton@wucpas.comPhone: (901)-761-2720LINKS:2019 CPA Firm Gender Study: Mason is a Familiar Name. Well-known in the Memphis legal community as a divorce lawyer, author, speaker, and leader, Miles Mason, Sr. JD, CPA has dedicated his entire career to practicing family law. He feels a great sense of satisfaction, whenever he hears the information on this site has helped someone—even another attorney. Mason started in 1996 when he became frustrated with everything he read about divorce. That’s when he decided to write about the subject from an authentic perspective that would be more useful to the reader. Read more about Miles Mason, Sr. and our experienced attorneys and professional staff: work as team. Your plan will be specially tailored to your values, needs, and priorities. Here are some places to start: Our web site. Download our Free e-book for personsbeginning the divorce process. The TennesseeDivorce Client’s Handbook by Miles Mason, Sr. available on Audiobook, Kindle &Amazon. Read our Tennessee Family Law Blog forlegal updates, commentary, and news. The ForensicAccounting Deskbook: A Practical Guide to Financial Investigation and Analysis forFamily Lawyers, Second Edition by Miles Mason, Sr. JD, CPA published by the ABAFamily Law Section. Tennessee Parenting Plans and Child Support Worksheets:Building a Constructive Future for Your Family by Miles Mason, Sr. with examples fromactual cases. Download yourFree Tennessee Child Support Calculator App for your smart phone. Our YouTube channel. A very popularway to learn on the go. Our firm’sLinkedIn page. Our firm’s Facebook page. Mason’s television news interviews. #publicaccounting #CPA #milesmason
In this video, you will learn everything you need to know about defensive industries. #defensiveindustry #necessities #wallstreetmojo #consumer #demand Chapters: 00:00 – Introduction 00:43 – What are defensive industries? 01:26 – Characteristics 02:34 – Example 03:36 – Advantages 04:12 – Disadvantages 04:53 – Conclusion What are defensive industries? A defensive industry is a specific industry that has constant production and distribution irrespective of the fluctuations in the economy of the country. Therefore, these industries would be vital even in recessions. This is possible because the products the industries produce mainly include essential commodities and basic needs products. Characteristics Non-affected by economic fluctuations Inelastic demand High returns Attract investors Low employee turnover Example Defensive industries include all those industries that have companies manufacturing essentials like food grains, consumables, medical items, etc. But there are industries, too, like the defense manufacturing industry, water treatment industry, waste management industry, etc. Retail companies like Walmart would also fall under the ambit of defensive industries as it deals with necessary products. Advantages Protects from global competition Allows economy to grow steadily Attracts investors Deals in products or services with inelastic demand Companies have lower employee turnover Employees have job security and satisfaction Defensive companies are less volatile Disadvantages Overprotection of the defensive industry may lead to a monopolistic situation. Lack of global competition will reduce innovation. Discourages companies to expand to products other than necessities. The growth of defensive industries is slower than in other industries. It provides lower returns to investors compared to other industries. Compliances in such industries are high. This was all about defensive industries. Subscribe to the channel, give the video a like, and share it with others. ========================================================================== Subscribe to Our Channel – Youtube ► LinkedIn ► Facebook ► Instagram ► Twitter ►
A profession-wide initiative is underway to strengthen the accounting pipeline. The AICPA is addressing these challenges with a package of 2023 initiatives that will have a quick and meaningful impact, address the cost of higher education, maintain the rigor of licensing, and provide flexibility for all candidates. Together, we can foster a sense of belonging within the profession while meeting the demands of an increasingly complex marketplace.
The Minnesota Society of CPAs advanced a bill that would allow accounting students to meet the profession’s education requirement by earning 120 hours and two years of experience. If passed, this legislation would upend CPAs’ ability to easily practice across state lines, because licenses issued in Minnesota would no longer meet nationally accepted standards. Join the AICPA and National Association of State Boards Accountancy (NASBA) to learn about the consequences of reducing the profession’s education requirement.
Before you can test a client’s internal controls you first need to know which internal controls are in place. The auditor can identify the internal controls by asking the client’s employees to complete a questionnaire and by doing a walkthrough of the payroll cycle. The walkthrough would involve following a transaction from the initial hiring of an employee all the way through to the recording of a journal entry for payroll. The auditor should also perform a walkthrough of the process for removing a terminated employee from the payroll. If the auditor notices an area where a misstatement might occur during the walkthrough, the auditor should ask: has the client designed a control that, if operating effectively, would prevent or detect a material misstatement? The client should consider entity-level controls as well as controls specific to payroll. Segregation of duties is perhaps the most important internal control for the payroll cycle. 0:00 Introduction 0:40 Summary 0:54 Entity-level controls 2:31 Segregation of duties 4:42 Examples of segregation of duties 6:30 List of internal controls for payroll 7:08 Occurrence 9:58 Completeness 10:58 Authorization 12:01 Accuracy 13:08 Cutoff 13:31 Classification 15:01 PDF guide — Edspira is the creation of Michael McLaughlin, an award-winning professor who went from teenage homelessness to a PhD. Edspira’s mission is to make a high-quality business education freely available to the world. — SUBSCRIBE FOR A FREE 53-PAGE GUIDE TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, PLUS: • A 23-PAGE GUIDE TO MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTING • A 44-PAGE GUIDE TO U.S. TAXATION • A 75-PAGE GUIDE TO FINANCIAL STATEMENT ANALYSIS • MANY MORE FREE PDF GUIDES AND SPREADSHEETS * — SUPPORT EDSPIRA ON PATREON * — GET CERTIFIED IN FINANCIAL STATEMENT ANALYSIS, IFRS 16, AND ASSET-LIABILITY MANAGEMENT * — LISTEN TO THE SCHEME PODCAST * Apple Podcasts: * Spotify: * Website: — GET TAX TIPS ON TIKTOK * — ACCESS INDEX OF VIDEOS * — CONNECT WITH EDSPIRA * Facebook: * Instagram: * LinkedIn: — CONNECT WITH MICHAEL * Twitter: * LinkedIn: — ABOUT EDSPIRA AND ITS CREATOR * *
The AICPA and NASBA are launching a new program to help CPA candidates meet the education requirement. Through this additional route, accounting graduates with a bachelor’s degree can earn up to 30 credit hours through online courses, while working flexible hours in an entry-level firm role.
#shorts #hothand #hothandfallacy #wallstreetmojo What is a hot hand? | MUST WATCH | WALLSTREETMOJO Hot hand is a fallacy in which people tend to have this notion or belief that if something has had a positive outcome in the past, then it will continue to do so. To know more about it, check out our Youtube video. ========================================================================== Subscribe to Our Channel – Youtube ► LinkedIn ► Facebook ► Instagram ► Twitter ►
When Nick earned his CGMA designation, it broadened his opportunities in accounting and finance. The CGMA qualification helps him stand out among the hiring pool and allows him to work all over the globe. Here, he explains why he chose to pursue the designation and why it was the right fit for him. Find out more about joining us:
When Nick earned his CGMA designation, it broadened his opportunities in accounting and finance. The CGMA qualification helps him stand out among the hiring pool and allows him to work all over the globe. Here, he explains why he chose to pursue the designation and why it was the right fit for him. Find out more about joining us:
#shorts #trading #hft #wallstreetmojo What is high-frequency trading? | MUST WATCH | WALLSTREETMOJO High-frequency trading is a type of trading in which traders use sophisticated technology to help them in their trading activities. It allows traders to fasten the entire process, hence giving them a vital edge over competitors, as in the financial markets, time is literally money. To know more about it, check out our Youtube video. ========================================================================== Subscribe to Our Channel – Youtube ► LinkedIn ► Facebook ► Instagram ► Twitter ►
This Black History Month, Barry Melancon talked to NABAInc President and CEO Guylaine Saint Juste as part of NABA’s Mind our Business and Build Black Wealth campaign. Among many topics, they discuss enhancing opportunities in accounting and finance for Black students and professionals. #OneNABA #aicpadiversity
They are the independent audit watchdog who are responsible for overseeing the audits of public companies and SEC-registered brokers and dealers. I’m talking about the P-C-A-O-B. Their inspections and associated inspection reports bring angst to audit engagement teams everywhere. In Episode #7 of GAAP Chats, hosts Mike Walworth and Chris Brundrett dig into the PCAOB, the self-proclaimed independent audit watchdog, and reveal insights from their review of the 2021 PCAOB inspection reports for the annually inspected firms.