Resources for Accountants

Uncover the Secret Behind Day Trading — WALLSTREETMOJO [Video]

#shorts #daytrading #swingtrading #wallstreetmojo What is Day trading?| MUST WATCH | WALLSTREETMOJO In day trading, traders would buy and sell financial assets within the same day. It allows traders to do away with any overnight risk, as no trades are held for more than a day. There can be a lot of information flow or sentiment changes that fluctuate prices throughout the day… ========================================================================== Subscribe to Our Channel – Youtube ► LinkedIn ► Facebook ► Instagram ► Twitter ►

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Resources for Accountants

ENGAGE 2021 - CPAFMA National Practice Management [Video]

Reimagine what is possible at ENGAGE 2021The world experienced several major developments in 2020, and the pace of change isn’t slowing down. Depending on your mindset, skill set and resources, this can either be a challenge or an opportunity. At ENGAGE 2021, you’ll learn how to reimagine your futureNo other event comes close to our breadth or depth of specialized programming. You’ll gain exclusive insights, develop practical skills, and network with your unique professional community across ten crossover tracks.

Resources for Accountants

Negotiation Skills: How to Prepare for Successful Negotiations [Video]

Negotiating is a valuable skill that can help you achieve your goals in various aspects of life, from business deals to personal relationships. To excel in negotiations, it's crucial to be well-prepared. This guide will walk you through the steps to prepare effectively for successful negotiations.Get free business and management guides, tools, and worksheets at: