Resources for Accountants

The 6 Steps of the Payroll Cycle [Video]

The payroll cycle, also known as the human resource management process, involves two systems: human resource management (hiring, training, evaluating, and firing employees) and payroll (paying employees for their services). The payroll cycle consists of the following steps: 1. Hiring/firing employees 2. Updating the payroll system (aka payroll master file) 3. Timekeeping and supervision 4. Payroll accounting (computing gross pay, deductions, and net pay) 5. Payroll distribution (direct deposit, preparing and disbursing checks) 6. Recording the journal entry The payroll cycle is initiated by the hiring (or firing) of an employee. Once an employee has been hired they need to be added to the payroll. Once an employee has begun working, supervisors are responsible for approving the employee’s time worked and attendance. After verifying the hours worked, the next step is to calculate each employee's gross pay, deductions, and net pay. Employees then need to be paid, either by depositing …

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