This is the minimally edited, podcast-style version of my video "Simple Tools to Help Therapy go Deeper" You can catch the shorter and snappier version of the video here: We all have moments with clients where they just can’t seem to crack into the deeper layers of their emotions. Sometimes, it can be tempting to try to convince our clients to lean into their emotions. But I've learned over the years that often emotions are difficult to access because they're too intense. So in today's episode, I share some of my favorite tools to help reduce the emotional charge of clients' emotions so they have an easier time accessing and expressing how they really feel. As always, this episode does not constitute clinical or professional advice. I'm just sharing some tools I like to use 🙂 Thank you to Paubox for sponsoring this episode. Paubox makes HIPAA-secure email easy …
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I had thought that in-person therapy was going out of style. But after doing a little research, it looks like it's coming back into fashion. But given that there's evidence showing that virtual therapy is just as effective as in-person therapy, plus the convenience and cost-effectiveness of being remote, why the movement back to meeting in person? We dig into this question a little more in this episode. I turn to research, your responses to my Instagram poll and yes, Reddit, to try to understand a little better. Just one extended version this week. My of my short and snappy episides again next time :) Sign up for TherapyNotes and get two months FREE: FREE Guide: Start a Private Practice in Counseling: Links Mentioned: Link to Poll responses: Psychology Today Article: "The Data Are In: Telehealth Is Here to Stay” Vogue Article Referencing 2024 data: "How to Find a Therapist Online—And Make Sure They’re Good" Reddit Post: “Why do you in-person?” Reddit Post: “Are clients still interested in in-person sessions?” National Library of Medicine Article: "Evaluation of Online Counseling through the Working Experiences of Mental Health Therapists Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic” Yahoo! Article: "The in-person preference: Why traditional therapy still rules over online counseling alternatives” National Library of Medicine Article: "Therapeutic Alliance in Online and Face-to-face Psychological Treatment: Comparative Study” National Library of Medicine Article: "Telehealth Versus Face-to-face Psychotherapy for Less Common Mental Health Conditions: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials” LINKS *Some links are affiliate links. A percentage of purchases come back to me and help my channel immensely! 👉 How to DIY a Therapist Website that Fills your Practice: 👉 All my filming gear: 👉 Music I use: This video is geared toward therapists of all kinds, including psychologists, MFTs, LPCCs, social workers, and others in the clinical counseling field. Welcome to Private Practice Skills! I’m Dr. Marie Fang, psychologist in private practice. I post videos offering tools I learned the hard way about starting and growing private practice so that you don’t have to. Website: Spotify: Apple Podcasts: Instagram: This video is not intended as professional or legal advice. Be sure to seek the services of a professional if you are in need of them.
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Join Dave Kittle, Jimmy McKay, and Tony Maritato to discuss all things related to physical therapy and private practice.
This is the minimally edited, podcast-style version of my video "Simple Tools to Help Therapy go Deeper" You can catch the shorter and snappier version of the video here: We all have moments with clients where they just can’t seem to crack into the deeper layers of their emotions. Sometimes, it can be tempting to try to convince our clients to lean into their emotions. But I've learned over the years that often emotions are difficult to access because they're too intense. So in today's episode, I share some of my favorite tools to help reduce the emotional charge of clients' emotions so they have an easier time accessing and expressing how they really feel. As always, this episode does not constitute clinical or professional advice. I'm just sharing some tools I like to use :) Thank you to Paubox for sponsoring this episode. Paubox makes HIPAA-secure email easy and streamlined. Check them out here: *Get $250 off your first year with Paubox with coupon code "SKILLS" *Bonus Deal:* If you add the Paubox badge to your website you get an extra $100 off your first year - that means you can get your whole first year free if you apply both deals! FREE Guide: Start a Private Practice in Counseling: LINKS *Some links are affiliate links. A percentage of purchases come back to me and help my channel immensely! 👉 How to DIY a Therapist Website that Fills your Practice: 👉 All my filming gear: 👉 Music I use: This video is geared toward therapists of all kinds, including psychologists, MFTs, LPCCs, social workers, and others in the clinical counseling field. Welcome to Private Practice Skills! I’m Dr. Marie Fang, psychologist in private practice. I post videos offering tools I learned the hard way about starting and growing private practice so that you don’t have to. Website: Spotify: Apple Podcasts: Instagram: This video is not intended as professional or legal advice. Be sure to seek the services of a professional if you are in need of them.