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Robert Materazzi of Lukka discussing Digital Assets, how his Firm helps the Ecosystem Grow [Video]

Robert Materazzi of Lukka discussing Digital Assets, how his Firm helps the Ecosystem Grow

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Rober Materazzi, CEO of Lukka interviewed by Clair McCall of The Beryl Consulting Group.

Some salient points from the interview:

 “Lucca is a institutional software and data company that supports any business that has crypto on their balance sheet.”

 “We primarily support crypto funds through fund administrators or fund auditors who are customers of our software and or our data products depending on what audit processes they’re working on … we support over 400 active crypto funds .. we’re the only provider that that actually built our software with AICPA sock controls.”

 “We service a number of big traditional corporations as well .. and we’re seeing a ton of the traditional financial institutions launch various different types of businesses to support crypto, none of that seems to have slowed at all despite the market conditions .. we’ve been working with the crypto native companies, crypto exchange, OTC desks, market makers.”

 “Most of our risk is the operational and the technology risk, which is um absolutely paramount that we get right so that our customers can rely on our services and the calculations and everything that we do with our products.”

Beryl Elites Global Investments & Innovations Conferences encompass traditional institutional finance, alternative investments, fintech, alternative data, digital assets, and geopolitics. It features high-octane discussions, networking and entertainment in congenial ambiance.

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