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Recovering from a 30 on the CPA Exam | Another71 Podcast #101 [Video]

Recovering from a 30 on the CPA Exam | Another71 Podcast #101

In this CPA podcast, we cover what do to if you score super-low on the CPA Exam (like a 30) and how to turn things around quickly & much more including live CPA study questions.
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1. I am studying for my FAR third attempt. My previous scores were 70 & 68. I am planning to take my exam three weeks from now. Please tell me how should I start and what should I focus on? – Krishma

2. What is the best way to pass FAR in the next couple of weeks? My test is coming up and I am absolutely struggling even when following the 4-week accelerated plan. I failed my first exam with a 30 and it dropped by confidence like a rock. – Brian (Becker and NINJA)

3. Hello, I recently failed FAR with a 64 and am trying to pick myself back up after this. I just purchased your materials and am just wondering where to even begin? Which aspects of NINJA would you believe would be the most helpful for me? I do not understand how to proceed after failing FAR. – Sarah (Becker and NINJA)

4. Jeff, what’s the best advice/top 3 things to know for the FAR exam? My MC is trending up but sadly still below 50 percent. I feel like I know it better than that. Think I just blew it in the evaluation phase. – Dylan (NINJA Only)

5. Eric (DOJO) Hi All, I scheduled Audit exam in 22 days. I Passed FAR and REG already, but I pretty much know nothing about AUD. Need advice on how to prepare it in like 3 weeks, thanks!

6. Justin (DOJO) Does anyone know if CPA Exam Continuous testing is staying for 2022? From my understanding, it was only a policy in place because of covid but I haven’t seen/heard anything that it’s going away. If anyone has any info on this that’d be great! Thanks!

“Continuous testing has been a goal for some time, and it comes in direct response to feedback from CPA Exam candidates and their desire to test more frequently throughout the year. NASBA is proud to work in collaboration with the AICPA, Prometric, and the 55 U.S. Boards of Accountancy to continue to ensure the security of the Exam and to implement a successful transition,”

7. Katheryn (DOJO) Hi Jeff, can you recommend a timeline for getting FAR passed in approx. five weeks (rather than the seven or eight that you suggest)? (NINJA Only)

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Resources for Accountants

Investing vs Trading - Which is Better? (Top Differences) [Video]

In this video tutorial, we will talk about the top key differences between investing and trading.What is Trading?Trading is aimed at earning quick profits by holding on to stocks for a short period of time (such as weekly, monthly, daily).What is Investing? Investing involves a gradual building of wealth and assets by buying and holding on to a portfolio of stocks for a time period that may sometimes reach even 10 to 15 yrs.Some other key factors that differentiate between investing and trading are:- Method/approach involved.- Time factor.- Risk factor.#investingvstrading #wallstreetmojo #tradingvsinvestingFollow us at : Youtube ➤ ➤➤➤

Resources for Accountants

Best Car Insurance Discounts ★ 2022 [Video]

Discover the best car insurance discounts. Here’s the free service we use to get cheaper car insurance (toll free): 1-855-981-7528. It’s a free by phone service that specializes in locating the cheapest car insurance rates. They perform the tedious task of shopping around, and present you with the cheapest auto insurance provider for your location. We call this service every year before our auto insurance expires. It allows us to discover whether there is a cheaper rate than ours, and has saved us lots of money over the years. Here are some of the topics covered in this video: How to get cheaper auto insurance rates online, get discounts and lower your policy cost, ways to lower vehicle insurance premium cost, which are the best car insurance companies and why Geico, National, Progressive, Allstate, Root, State farm, General, or farmers are not always the best bet. Why Dave Ramsey is not always right. Ways to get affordable drivers insurance quotes, how to locate the best cheap automobile insurer for a specific location. For more ways to save on your car insurance rates, see here:

Resources for Accountants

All about Stock halt- Easy Explaination- Part 1 [Video]

In this video, you will learn about stock halt, its rules, and how it is triggered.#stockhalt #stockmarket #wallstreetmojo #stockexchange #regulatorChapters:00:00 – Introduction00:35 – What is the stock halt?01:29 – Rules02:17 – Triggers of stock halt02:48 – ConclusionWhat is the stock halt?A stock halt is a scenario where the exchange halts trading in a particular stock for some time.It may be done when a regulatory action is imposed, important news is being anticipated, or a particular stock is just being bought or sold excessively.(Explained in detail in the video)RulesWhen a stock is halted for trading, it is coded with an identification number like T1, T2, T5, H10, etc.When the situation arises for halting trading in a particular stock, the exchange announces a halt to all brokers.Triggers of stock haltIf the stock price fluctuates up and down due to high volatility, then the exchange will either halt the trading, or the circuit breakers will be activated.Trading halts have been put into place so that a select group of individuals with significant capital does not manipulate prices to their whims and fancies.This will be all for this video. Subscribe to the channel, like the video, and share it with others.==========================================================================Subscribe to Our Channel –Youtube