Resources for Accountants

Best Electric Car Insurance EV ★ 2022 [Video]

Discover the best electric car insurance EV. Here’s the free service we use to get cheaper car insurance (toll free): 1-855-981-7528. It’s a free by phone service that specializes in locating the cheapest car insurance rates. They perform the tedious task of shopping around, and present you with the cheapest auto insurance provider for your location. We call this service every year before our auto insurance expires. It allows us to discover whether there is a cheaper rate than ours, and has saved us lots of money over the years. Here are some of the topics covered in this video: How to get cheaper auto insurance rates online, get discounts and lower your policy cost, ways to lower vehicle insurance premium cost, which are the best car insurance companies and why Geico, National, Progressive, Allstate, Root, State farm, General, or farmers are not always the best bet. Why Dave Ramsey is not always right. Ways to get affordable drivers insurance quotes, how to locate the best cheap automobile insurer for a specific location. For more ways to save on your car insurance rates, see here:

Resources for Accountants

Gross Margin vs Contribution Margin Formula [Video]

People sometimes use the terms gross margin and contribution margin interchangeably, but they’re not the same thing. Most companies (e.g., Apple) define gross margin as the difference between net sales and cost of goods sold (or cost of sales):Gross Margin = Net Sales – Cost of Goods SoldContribution margin, on the other hand, is calculated by subtracting total variable costs from net sales:Contribution Margin = Net Sales – Total Variable CostsThus, both gross margin and contribution margin start with net sales and then subtract costs. But here’s the difference• With gross margin you subtract cost of goods sold (or cost of sales) • With contribution margin you subtract total variable costs For a manufacturer like Apple, cost of goods sold includes some fixed costs (the fixed component of manufacturing overhead). Thus, some fixed costs are deducted when you calculate gross margin. This is a key difference, because fixed costs are never deducted when calculating the contribution margin.Another difference is that all variable costs are subtracted from net sales when calculating the contribution margin. This includes variable selling costs like sales commissions. This is another key difference, as sales commissions are never deducted when calculating the gross margin.— Edspira is the creation of Michael McLaughlin, an award-winning professor who went from teenage homelessness to a PhD. Edspira’s mission is to make a high-quality business education accessible to all people.— SUBSCRIBE FOR A FREE 53-PAGE GUIDE TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, PLUS: • A 23-PAGE GUIDE TO MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTING• A 44-PAGE GUIDE TO U.S. TAXATION• A 75-PAGE GUIDE TO FINANCIAL STATEMENT ANALYSIS• MANY MORE FREE PDF GUIDES*—HIRE THE CREATOR OF EDSPIRA: MICHAEL MCLAUGHLIN, PHD, CPA *— GET CERTIFIED IN FINANCIAL STATEMENT ANALYSIS, IFRS 16, AND ASSET-LIABILITY MANAGEMENT * — LISTEN TO THE SCHEME PODCAST * Apple Podcasts: * Spotify: * Website: — GET TAX TIPS ON TIKTOK * — ACCESS INDEX OF VIDEOS * — CONNECT WITH EDSPIRA * Facebook: * Instagram: * LinkedIn: — CONNECT WITH MICHAEL * Twitter: * LinkedIn: — ABOUT EDSPIRA AND ITS CREATOR *

Resources for Accountants

Best Classic Car Insurance for Young Drivers ★ 2022 [Video]

Discover the best classic car insurance for young drivers. Here’s the free service we use to get cheaper car insurance (toll free): 1-855-981-7528. It’s a free by phone service that specializes in locating the cheapest car insurance rates. They perform the tedious task of shopping around, and present you with the cheapest auto insurance provider for your location. We call this service every year before our auto insurance expires. It allows us to discover whether there is a cheaper rate than ours, and has saved us lots of money over the years. Here are some of the topics covered in this video: How to get cheaper auto insurance rates online, get discounts and lower your policy cost, ways to lower vehicle insurance premium cost, which are the best car insurance companies and why Geico, National, Progressive, Allstate, Root, State farm, General, or farmers are not always the best bet. Why Dave Ramsey is not always right. Ways to get affordable drivers insurance quotes, how to locate the best cheap automobile insurer for a specific location. For more ways to save on your car insurance rates, see here:

Resources for Accountants

Analyze The Balance Sheet. 4 Questions About Assets [Video]

As complexity increases in commerce, it’s important to keep a tight understanding of the key elements of the Balance Sheet. In this video, I focus on 4 key questions to ask about Assets in order to determine the strength of the business. I’ll walk you through a company’s balance sheet and I will ask 4 important questions about it’s Assets, specifically, cash, Accounts Receivable, Inventory and Property plant and equipment.So here’s a quick breakdown of what we intend to cover this video:First we’ll talk about the questions that you should be asking Second I’ll tell you what support you’ll need in order for you to answer these questionsThen third I will show you what you need to do in order to validate the supportThen finally I will show you how to draw a conclusion based on this informationMy video “How to Analyze the Balance Sheet like a CFO”:————————————————————-Connect with me on Patreon (& download all the templates in my videos):————————————————————-Get 30% off my Online Course on “Learn how to design and build KPIs and Financial Metrics for 2 example businesses”🔥Enroll in my online course “Night Before the Accounting Interview Guide” including All Levels Q&A🔥:📈Get My “Controller KPI Dashboard” (Excel + Course) with the most important P&L and Balance Sheet KPIs:​​———————————————————————Hang Out with me on social media:📸📱🙋🏼‍♂️ Links included in this description might be affiliate links. If you happen to purchase a product or service with the links that I provide I may receive a small commission. There is no additional charge to you! Thank you for supporting my channel so I can continue to provide you with free content each week!All views expressed on my channel are mine alone. Not intended as financial or professional advice

Resources for Accountants

Cheapest Car Insurance for New Young Driver ★ 2022 [Video]

Discover the cheapest car insurance for new young driver. Here’s the free service we use to get cheaper car insurance (toll free): 1-855-981-7528. It’s a free by phone service that specializes in locating the cheapest car insurance rates. They perform the tedious task of shopping around, and present you with the cheapest auto insurance provider for your location. We call this service every year before our auto insurance expires. It allows us to discover whether there is a cheaper rate than ours, and has saved us lots of money over the years. Here are some of the topics covered in this video: How to get cheaper auto insurance rates online, get discounts and lower your policy cost, ways to lower vehicle insurance premium cost, which are the best car insurance companies and why Geico, National, Progressive, Allstate, Root, State farm, General, or farmers are not always the best bet. Why Dave Ramsey is not always right. Ways to get affordable drivers insurance quotes, how to locate the best cheap automobile insurer for a specific location. For more ways to save on your car insurance rates, see here:

Resources for Accountants

How to Make Money from Home with No Money, on Your Computer in 2022; Small Business Ideas at Home [Video]

Discover how to make money from home with no money on your computer. Small business ideas at home. Now, download your 3 free gifts from here:’s what you get:1. BOOK: HOW TO START A BUSINESS FROM SCRATCH.This is a practical manual that will walk you step by step through all the essential phases of starting a business. The book is packed with guides, worksheets and checklists. These strategies are absolutely crucial to your business’ success yet are simple and easy to apply.2. AN EXTENSIVE BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE IN MS WORD FORMAT.This is a high quality, full blown business plan template complete with detailed instructions and all related spread sheets. Allows you to prepare a professional Accessory business plan.2. SMALL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE PROGRAM.This is an easy to use software program. It is a multi feature business management program that will help you do the following: plan and analyze your start up expenses and sales, perform Break-Even Point analysis, conduct ‘what-if’s analysis, perform financial ratios analysis, make a “go /no-go” decision, create financial projections, and more.Simply type in once your business’ details and assumptions and it will automatically produce a comprehensive set of financial projections and analysis for your specific business, including: Start-Up Expenses, Projected Balance Sheet, Projected Cash Flow Statement, Financial Ratios Analysis, Projected Profit and Loss Statement, Break Even Analysis, and much more.For more free business guides, templates and tools, visit us at:

Resources for Accountants

Top 5 Lessons from Warren Buffet! [Video]

In this video, we will talk about the five lessons that we can learn from Warren Buffett, be it an investment or a personal one.What are the five lessons by Warren Buffett?1. Invest only in those businesses that you understand- Research everything about any business, field, or sector before you even think about investing in them.2. Pay little attention to headlines- Keep away from all the artificial hype and buzz in social and digital media and trust only in reputed news sources and headlines.3. Be patient with your headlines- Instead of switching from one stock to the other based on fluctuations in stock prices, hold on to your quality investments for the long run.4. Don’t borrow money to invest- Borrowing can result in a double loss for you in the stock market. Therefore invest only when you have the money to do so.5. Invest in yourself- Keep learning new skills and read as much as you can about the financial world, and there is always a chance you may end up growing in the stock market even faster than you thought.#warrenbuffett #warrenbuffettlessons #wallstreetmojoFollow us at : Youtube ➤ ➤➤➤

Resources for Accountants

How Stock Market Works? – Explained for Beginners [Video]

In this video, we explain how the stock market works, its examples, how you can open your stock account, and the difference between Investing and Trading.Buying stocks or shares means that you now own a part of that company and you are entitled to receiving profits when the company makes one or incurs losses at the same time. Stock exchanges like NYSE, NASDAQ, etc provide information on stock prices. And, these stock market prices are always fluctuating due to certain external factors such as:- Shift in labor costs- Fluctuating prices of materials- Changes in leadership- Changes in production technology.How to buy shares?Buying shares has become quite easy after the advent of the internet and all that you need is:- A bank account- To transfer money.- A trading/ brokerage account- To invest or trade.- A Demat account/Online portfolio-To keep a list of stocks/companies invested in.In this video, we also differentiate between Investing and Trading and provide you some expert advice so that you can kickstart your stock market investment journey.#stockmarket #stockmarketbasics #wallstreetmojo #stockmarketworkingFor more details, you can refer to our article at- ➤ ➤➤➤

Resources for Accountants

Cheap Modified Car Insurance ★ 2022 [Video]

Discover cheap modified car insurance. Here’s the free service we use to get cheaper car insurance (toll free): 1-855-981-7528. It’s a free by phone service that specializes in locating the cheapest car insurance rates. They perform the tedious task of shopping around, and present you with the cheapest auto insurance provider for your location. We call this service every year before our auto insurance expires. It allows us to discover whether there is a cheaper rate than ours, and has saved us lots of money over the years. Here are some of the topics covered in this video: How to get cheaper auto insurance rates online, get discounts and lower your policy cost, ways to lower vehicle insurance premium cost, which are the best car insurance companies and why Geico, National, Progressive, Allstate, Root, State farm, General, or farmers are not always the best bet. Why Dave Ramsey is not always right. Ways to get affordable drivers insurance quotes, how to locate the best cheap automobile insurer for a specific location. For more ways to save on your car insurance rates, see here:

Resources for Accountants

Best Car Insurance for 16 Year Old Boy ★ 2022 [Video]

Discover the best car insurance for 16 year old boy. Here’s the free service we use to get cheaper car insurance (toll free): 1-855-981-7528. It’s a free by phone service that specializes in locating the cheapest car insurance rates. They perform the tedious task of shopping around, and present you with the cheapest auto insurance provider for your location. We call this service every year before our auto insurance expires. It allows us to discover whether there is a cheaper rate than ours, and has saved us lots of money over the years. Here are some of the topics covered in this video: How to get cheaper auto insurance rates online, get discounts and lower your policy cost, ways to lower vehicle insurance premium cost, which are the best car insurance companies and why Geico, National, Progressive, Allstate, Root, State farm, General, or farmers are not always the best bet. Why Dave Ramsey is not always right. Ways to get affordable drivers insurance quotes, how to locate the best cheap automobile insurer for a specific location. For more ways to save on your car insurance rates, see here:

Resources for Accountants

How to Start a Business as a Teenager with No Money in 2022; 12 Small Business Ideas for Teenagers [Video]

Discover How to Start a Business as a Teenager with No Money. 12 Small Business Ideas for Teenagers. Now, download your 3 free gifts from here:’s what you get:1. BOOK: HOW TO START A BUSINESS FROM SCRATCH.This is a practical manual that will walk you step by step through all the essential phases of starting a business. The book is packed with guides, worksheets and checklists. These strategies are absolutely crucial to your business’ success yet are simple and easy to apply.2. AN EXTENSIVE BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE IN MS WORD FORMAT.This is a high quality, full blown business plan template complete with detailed instructions and all related spread sheets. Allows you to prepare a professional Accessory business plan.2. SMALL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE PROGRAM.This is an easy to use software program. It is a multi feature business management program that will help you do the following: plan and analyze your start up expenses and sales, perform Break-Even Point analysis, conduct ‘what-if’s analysis, perform financial ratios analysis, make a “go /no-go” decision, create financial projections, and more.Simply type in once your business’ details and assumptions and it will automatically produce a comprehensive set of financial projections and analysis for your specific business, including: Start-Up Expenses, Projected Balance Sheet, Projected Cash Flow Statement, Financial Ratios Analysis, Projected Profit and Loss Statement, Break Even Analysis, and much more.For more free business guides, templates and tools, visit us at: