Resources for Accountants

GAAP – Generally Accepted Accounting Principles – Learn While Sleeping [Video]

GAAP Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.Learn while sleeping. Use the loop feature of YouTube to play the video all night. To loop a video, right-click it or click settings and select loop.Videos on this channel use a monotonous voice to help you fall asleep while learning valuable facts and information about our beautiful world. Black screen with no disturbing sounds. Use the loop feature of YouTube to play the video all night. To loop the video, right-click it or click settings and select loop.Accounting Concepts and Principles.GAAP stands for the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. These are the rules, guidelines, and principles that entities (businesses/firms/companies/organizations/systems/hospitals) follow in the US to guide the preparation and reporting of their financial statements.1. Entity Concept. A company is treated as an entity that is separate and distinct from its owners. Owner and company are two different entities having different liabilities.The assumption here is that a company has its own identity distinct from the owners, creditors, debtors, managers, and others.2. Revenue Recognition (Realisation Concept). Recognizing the revenue means recording the income in the income statement, prepared for a particular period. Recognition of revenue should be on the accrual basis of accounting; events and conditions are recorded in the books of accounts as and when they occur, rather than in the period of their receipt of payment. Accrual basis is a method of recording accounting transactions for revenue when earned and expenses when incurred.3. Prudence (Conservatism) Principle. The rule of playing it safe. A cautious approach in ascertaining the income of the entity. If a situation arises where there are 2 acceptable options for reporting an item, accountants go for the less favorable option.All anticipated profits should be ignored but all anticipated losses should be accounted for. Profits in anticipation should not be recorded but losses in anticipation should immediately be recorded even if there is a very remote possibility of occurrence of such losses.4. Money Measurement (Monetary Unit Concept). A fact or a transaction is recorded in the accounting books only if the effect of this situation or transaction can be computed in monetary terms.For instance, adverse impact on revenue due to lack of coordination between the front office team and operating room team cannot be recorded in the books of accounts, however, the loss of supplies due to fire or flood can be recorded in the books.5. Accounting Period Principle.The accounting period is usually a period of one year and that year can be a financial year, a calendar year, or any year of 12 months. For tax purposes, the accounting period should be a financial year i.e., a year starting from 1st April to 31st March. The accounting period helps in maintaining accounting records, showing actual profit or loss, establishing the true and fair view of the financial position of the company, and communicating the company information to the intended users.6. Full Disclosure Principle.The entity is required to disclose the full, fair, and sufficient information; no information of substance should be concealed in the financial statements. This principle ensures effective communication with the intended users, internal and external.7. Materiality Concept.8. Cost Concept.9. Matching Principle. 10. Dual Aspect Concept (Duality principle or Accounting Equation Concept).11. Objectivity Principle (Verifiability & Objectivity Evidence Concept).12. Timeliness principle. 13. Substance over Form Principle.

Resources for Accountants

If you don’t know the answer to an interview question #shorts [Video]

If you don’t know the answer to any question during the job interview, don’t panic. Here are some tips on how to handle it. Interview & Career Playlist: ——————————- Get 30% off my Online Course on Learn how to design and build KPIs and Financial Metrics for 2 example businesses Take 30% off when you enroll in my online course Night Before the Accounting Interview Guide including All Levels Q&A: Get My Controller KPI Dashboard (Excel + Course) with the most important P&L and Balance Sheet KPIs: ——————————————————————— Hang Out with me on social media: DISCLAIMER: Links included in this description might be affiliate links. If you happen to purchase a product or service with the links that I provide I may receive a small commission. There is no additional charge to you! Thank you for supporting my channel so I can continue to provide you with free content each week! All views expressed on my channel are mine alone. Not intended as financial or professional advice

Resources for Accountants

Public Exam 13/06/2022 [Video]

Below, we take a look at the history of accounting, from its origin story to its modernization. Dial up those time coordinates, and strap in for a journey that goes beyond credits and debits.We begin over 7,000 years ago, in Ancient Mesopotamia. This cradle of civilization was where the seeds of modern society were planted in developing the concept of a city and a written language. The agrarians of this society, as businesspeople, needed to keep track of their growth and output of crops and herds. They used a system of accounting to determine whether there was a crop shortage or surplus at the end of a period of harvest each season. This was the earliest known record we have of accounting.Fast forward to the Roman Empire– roughly in the 14 B.C.-63 A.D. range. Emperor Augustus is a rich and powerful leader, and the Roman government collects detailed financial information about the leadership of Augustus. This information is published in “The Deeds of the Divine Augustus,” and features details of transactions such as grants of land and money to veterans, building of temples and other religious structures, and entertainment and gladiatorial spend. This type of concentrated, detailed record of transactions suggests an early notion of accounting in the modern sense. The Roman army also kept a detailed record of cash and commodities that were traded for.An account history is a running record of all of the financial transactions logged in a bank, credit card, or investment statement. In a bank or credit card statement, the account history records all credits and debits. In a statement from a broker, it records all purchases and sales of assets.Accounting is the process of recording financial transactions pertaining to a business. The accounting process includes summarizing, analyzing, and reporting these transactions to oversight agencies, regulators, and tax collection entities.Accounting, also known as accountancy, is the measurement, processing, and communication of financial and non financial information about economic entities.Accounting Principles..,Accounting principles are the rules and guidelines that companies must follow when reporting financial data. The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) issues a standardized set of accounting principles in the U.S. referred to as generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP).

Resources for Accountants

IFRS VS GAAP | Part-8 (3) Accounting Series [Video]

The IFRS vs GAAP refers to two accounting standards and principles adhered to by countries in the world in relation to financial reporting. More than 140 countries follow the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), which encourages uniformity in preparing financial statements.On the other hand, the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) are created by the Financial Accounting Standards Board to guide public companies in the United States when compiling their annual financial statements.The primary difference between the two systems is that GAAP is rules-based and IFRS is principles-based. This disconnect manifests itself in specific details and interpretations. Basically, IFRS guidelines provide much less overall detail than GAAP. Consequently, the theoretical framework and principles of the IFRS leave more room for interpretation and may often require lengthy disclosures on financial statements.1. Treatment of inventoryOne of the key differences between these two accounting standards is the accounting method for inventory costs. Under IFRS, the LIFO (Last in First out) method of calculating inventory is not allowed. Under the GAAP, either the LIFO or FIFO (First in First out) method can be used to estimate inventory.The reason for not using LIFO under the IFRS accounting standard is that it does not show an accurate inventory flow and may portray lower levels of income than is the actual case. On the other hand, the flexibility to use either FIFO or LIFO under GAAP allows companies to choose the most convenient method when valuing inventory.2. Intangibles AssetsThe treatment of developing intangible assets through research and development is also different between IFRS vs GAAP standards. Under IFRS, costs in the research phase are expensed as incurred. Costs in the development phase may be capitalized based on certain factors. On the other hand, GAAP generally requires immediate expensing of both research and development expenditures, although some exceptions exist.3. Rules vs. PrinciplesThe other distinction between IFRS and GAAP is how they assess the accounting processes – i.e., whether they are based on fixed rules or principles that allow some space for interpretations. Under GAAP, the accounting process is prescribed highly specific rules and procedures, offering little room for interpretation. The measures are devised as a way of preventing opportunistic entities from creating exceptions to maximize their profits.On the contrary, IFRS sets forth principles that companies should follow and interpret to the best of their judgement. Companies enjoy some leeway to make different interpretations of the same situation.4. Recognition of revenueWith regards to how revenue is recognized, IFRS is more general, as compared to GAAP. The latter starts by determining whether revenue has been realized or earned, and it has specific rules on how revenue is recognized across multiple industries.The guiding principle is that revenue is not recognized until the exchange of a good or service has been completed. Once a good’s been exchanged and the transaction recognized and recorded, the accountant must then consider the specific rules of the industry in which the business operates.Conversely, IFRS is based on the principle that revenue is recognized when the value is delivered. It groups all transactions of revenues into four categories, i.e., the sale of goods, construction contracts, provision of services, or use of another entity’s assets. 5. Classification of liabilitiesWhen preparing financial statements based on the GAAP accounting standards, liabilities are classified into either current or non-current liabilities, depending on the duration allotted for the company to repay the debts.Debts that the company expects to repay within the next 12 months are classified as current liabilities, while debts whose repayment period exceeds 12 months are classified as long-term liabilities.However, there is no plain distinction between liabilities in IFRS, so short-term and long-term liabilities are grouped together.#accounting #inventory #businessbookplus #accountingprinciples #standards #GenerallyAcceptedAccountingPrinciples #ifrs #gaap #indas #technix #technixindia #technixtechnology #bbplus

Resources for Accountants

MBA Financial Accounting Main Focus (Part 5/16) [Video]

This form of accounting focuses on the summary and reporting of a business’s financial transactions, which involves the arrangement of financial statements available for external reviewers. These reviewers can be anyone from stockholders to banks, employees, suppliers, stakeholders and the general public. Any stakeholder would be a top candidate for reviewing the financial state of a company.The standard framework for Accounting practices are the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) They include the general guidelines & regulations for accountants to follow when preparing their financial statement. Besides GAAP, there is also the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) that describe how certain types of transactions need to be reported in financial statements. The International Accounting Standards Board issues the IFRS and these guidelines are more prevalent internationally.🎯 SUBSCRIBE to MBA Philosophy: 🎯➣ Checkout these videos here: ➤ Marketing 101➤ Operations 101➤ Finance 101➣ Remember Don’t Forget To Subscribe: Philosophy is a channel where we teach newbie entrepreneurs not only how to be successful in their business the right way, but how to develop a business driven mindset for long term success!No Lamborghinis, no mai tais or trips to dubai. We teach real & effective business strategy that enable entrepreneurs to avoid the mistakes many still make today. You’ll learn how to start a business the right way and make sure your business ideas thrive. With his extensive background in entrepreneurship & business development, Professor Harvey the owl will be your guide through the various topics being covered in a fun, engaging & educational video. Giving you the entrepreneur motivation you need for a true entrepreneur life.Instagram: @MBAPhilosophyFacebook: @MBAPhilosophyWebsite: #financialaccounting #mbaphilosophy

Resources for Accountants

Tactical Advantages of CIMA SCS Aug 2022 Exam | CIMA Strategic Case Study (Pass CIMA SCS with AZB) [Video]

Register Now for the Aug 2022 Official Commencement Q&A Session and get all details.Link – Visit the Official Website now to learn more about the World’s Best CIMA SCS Coaching Program!Link – To start your CIMA SCS Aug 2022 Exam Prep with OTQ Essentials Revision, write to us now Visit the Dedicated YouTube playlist with exclusive content from my Coaching Program catered to the August 2022 Examination Session! To get 1-1 Career Guidance/ Educational Counselling/ Teacher Coaching and Mentoring Services by me, review the details via the below link and Register NOW!!! Sign Up for my Newsletter via the link and the updates on all educational and professional initiatives by AZB Education. Tune in and subscribe to the channel to stay updated on the content.Link – am using my YouTube channel as a medium to support students who are scattered around the globe with the genuine hope that it will elevate your standards of personal growth, professional development and education. Check out my Facebook reviews page to see what some of my esteemed and humble learning partners have to say about the process of working with AZB Education at the FB Reviews Link (below). with me on social media, become part of my Patreon Community and learn about me via LinkedIn or even write to me via mail. Blog – Patreon – LinkedIn – Instagram – Facebook – Email ––As time permits I do try to upload relevant content for students and their personal development. Write to me and connect with me. AZB is committed to collaborative development efforts for students around the world. Write to me directly for any other inquiries or even to say Hi and ask anything you want. I am a content creator developing content for students and professionals for their personal development and professional growth. My company is AZB Education, which is committed to collaborative development efforts for learners around the world. You can let me know of specifics you want me to touch on, with respect to Personal Development and Professional Growth. Because I am the best in the game, and when I am not, I figure out how to become the best. Just like how life works! Keep Learning and Keep Living!2022 © Azman Branudeen & AZB Education. All Rights Reserved.#CIMA #AzmanBranudeen #CIMAStrategicCaseStudy #CIMASCSMay2022 #CIMASCSAugust2022 #SCSwithAZB #AZBEducation #PasswithAZB #SCS #BestLecturer #BestStudent #ACMA #CGMA #AICPA #CIMASCSwithAZB #CIMAUK #PersonalDevelopment #ProfessionalDevelopment #CareerGrowth #Education #SocialInfluencer #Teacher #YouTuber #Mentor #Trainer #Lecturer #StoryTeller #Speaker #ContentCreator #EducationManagement #Educate #Empower #UnleashYourPotential #PersonalGrowth #UnleashYourPotentialwithAZB

Resources for Accountants

Easy Explanation: All about Intraday trading – Part 1 (Stock Market Basics for Beginners) [Video]

# Intraday # Intradaybasics #wallstreetmojo #learnstockmarkets #stockmarketbasics #IntradayTrading #IntradayTradingBasicsWhat is Intraday trading? Chapters: 00:00 – Introduction 00:50 – What is Intraday trading?01:08 -Demat account and trading account- requirements for intraday. 01:49 – How does trading work? 02:18 – What is the role of broker or online broker?02:32 – Intraday trading profit and loss example. 03:46 -Conclusion In this video tutorial, we will discuss What is Intraday trading, do we need a Demat account to start intraday, how the trading process works, and what is the role of a broker or online broker, intraday trading profit and loss example., etc. What is Intraday Trading?It is called intraday or day trading when you buy and sell shares of a company on the same day. This is the opposite of investing, where you hold stocks for a longer period,Do I need a Demat account to start trading?No! All you need is a trading account. A Demat account holds your shares for the long run, like months or even years. But a trading account allows you to buy and sell your shares on the same day.Many traders consider even a profit margin of 2-3 percent quite a big one in a day’s trading.Let’s suppose you have 5000 rupees and you bought 10 shares of Reliance each at 500 rupees. There is a jump of 1% in Reliance’s share.This means you ended up making a profit of 50 rupees (10*5=50).50 rupees profit is not that attractive! This is where the role of broker/online broker comes into play for some additional money.For example, upstox provides you 5 times more money than you have for Intraday.So, instead of 5000, you can have 25,000 rupees for trading, and instead of buying 10, you can buy 50 shares of Reliance.Thus, the profits will also be 5 times i.e., 250/-Once done, you need to return the loan amount to the broker.Loss scenario: If the market crashes and Reliance’s share dips by 5 rupees each your total loss will be 250 rupees. You need to also return the loan amount to the broker.Though you may not be able to control markets and stop yourself from taking losses, you have the option of minimizing your losses using a method called “stop-loss.” Stop loss is covered in our next video.==========================================================================Subscribe to Our Channel – Youtube LinkedIn Facebook Instagram Twitter

Resources for Accountants

Pass CIMA SCS Aug 2022 Exam by a World-class Program | CIMA Strategic Case Study (CIMA SCS with AZB) [Video]

Join a World-class CIMA SCS Coaching Program and face your August 2022 Exam! Check out the Session Details Video Now! Register Now for the Aug 2022 Exam’s Official Commencement Q&A Session and get all details.Link – Visit the Official Website now to learn more about the World’s Best CIMA SCS Coaching Program!Link – To start your CIMA SCS Aug 2022 Exam Prep with OTQ Essentials Revision, write to us now Visit the Dedicated YouTube playlist with exclusive content from my Coaching Program catered to the August 2022 Examination Session! To get 1-1 Career Guidance/ Educational Counselling/ Teacher Coaching and Mentoring Services by me, review the details via the below link and Register NOW!!! Sign Up for my Newsletter via the link and the updates on all educational and professional initiatives by AZB Education. Tune in and subscribe to the channel to stay updated on the content.Link – am using my YouTube channel as a medium to support students who are scattered around the globe with the genuine hope that it will elevate your standards of personal growth, professional development and education. Check out my Facebook reviews page to see what some of my esteemed and humble learning partners have to say about the process of working with AZB Education at the FB Reviews Link (below). with me on social media, become part of my Patreon Community and learn about me via LinkedIn or even write to me via mail. Blog – Patreon – LinkedIn – Instagram – Facebook – Email ––As time permits I do try to upload relevant content for students and their personal development. Write to me and connect with me. AZB is committed to collaborative development efforts for students around the world. Write to me directly for any other inquiries or even to say Hi and ask anything you want. I am a content creator developing content for students and professionals for their personal development and professional growth. My company is AZB Education, which is committed to collaborative development efforts for learners around the world. You can let me know of specifics you want me to touch on, with respect to Personal Development and Professional Growth. Because I am the best in the game, and when I am not, I figure out how to become the best. Just like how life works! Keep Learning and Keep Living!2022 © Azman Branudeen & AZB Education. All Rights Reserved.#CIMA #AzmanBranudeen #CIMAStrategicCaseStudy #CIMASCSAugust2022 #SCSwithAZB #AZBEducation #PasswithAZB #SCS #BestLecturer #BestStudent #ACMA #CGMA #AICPA #CIMASCSwithAZB #CIMAUK #PersonalDevelopment #ProfessionalDevelopment #CareerGrowth #Education #SocialInfluencer #Teacher #YouTuber #Mentor #Trainer #Lecturer #StoryTeller #Speaker #ContentCreator #EducationManagement #Educate #Empower #UnleashYourPotential #PersonalGrowth #UnleashYourPotentialwithAZB

Resources for Accountants

What to do in your 1st week as a Controller (from a Corporate Controller) [Video]

You just landed a job as a Controller or an Accounting Manager. Here is what to focus on during your 1st week.——————————-Get 30% off my Online Course on “Learn how to design and build KPIs and Financial Metrics for 2 example businesses”🔥Take 30% off when you enroll in my online course “Night Before the Accounting Interview Guide” including All Levels Q&A🔥:📈Get My “Controller KPI Dashboard” (Excel + Course) with the most important P&L and Balance Sheet KPIs:​​———————————————————————Hang Out with me on social media:📸📱🙋🏼‍♂️ Links included in this description might be affiliate links. If you happen to purchase a product or service with the links that I provide I may receive a small commission. There is no additional charge to you! Thank you for supporting my channel so I can continue to provide you with free content each week!All views expressed on my channel are mine alone. Not intended as financial or professional advice

Resources for Accountants

Are you being a Fool? Facing CIMA SCS Aug 2022 | CIMA Strategic Case Study (Pass CIMA SCS with AZB) [Video]

Register Now for the Aug 2022 Official Commencement Q&A Session and get all details.Link – Visit the Official Website now to learn more about the World’s Best CIMA SCS Coaching Program!Link – To start your CIMA SCS Aug 2022 Exam Prep with OTQ Essentials Revision, write to us now Visit the Dedicated YouTube playlist with exclusive content from my Coaching Program catered to the August 2022 Examination Session! To get 1-1 Career Guidance/ Educational Counselling/ Teacher Coaching and Mentoring Services by me, review the details via the below link and Register NOW!!! Sign Up for my Newsletter via the link and the updates on all educational and professional initiatives by AZB Education. Tune in and subscribe to the channel to stay updated on the content.Link – am using my YouTube channel as a medium to support students who are scattered around the globe with the genuine hope that it will elevate your standards of personal growth, professional development and education. Check out my Facebook reviews page to see what some of my esteemed and humble learning partners have to say about the process of working with AZB Education at the FB Reviews Link (below). with me on social media, become part of my Patreon Community and learn about me via LinkedIn or even write to me via mail. Blog – Patreon – LinkedIn – Instagram – Facebook – Email ––As time permits I do try to upload relevant content for students and their personal development. Write to me and connect with me. AZB is committed to collaborative development efforts for students around the world. Write to me directly for any other inquiries or even to say Hi and ask anything you want. I am a content creator developing content for students and professionals for their personal development and professional growth. My company is AZB Education, which is committed to collaborative development efforts for learners around the world. You can let me know of specifics you want me to touch on, with respect to Personal Development and Professional Growth. Because I am the best in the game, and when I am not, I figure out how to become the best. Just like how life works! Keep Learning and Keep Living!2022 © Azman Branudeen & AZB Education. All Rights Reserved.#CIMA #AzmanBranudeen #CIMAStrategicCaseStudy #CIMASCSMay2022 #CIMASCSAugust2022 #SCSwithAZB #AZBEducation #PasswithAZB #SCS #BestLecturer #BestStudent #ACMA #CGMA #AICPA #CIMASCSwithAZB #CIMAUK #PersonalDevelopment #ProfessionalDevelopment #CareerGrowth #Education #SocialInfluencer #Teacher #YouTuber #Mentor #Trainer #Lecturer #StoryTeller #Speaker #ContentCreator #EducationManagement #Educate #Empower #UnleashYourPotential #PersonalGrowth #UnleashYourPotentialwithAZB