Resources for Accountants

B2B vs. B2C: Easy explanation [Video]

In this video, you will learn about 2 types of business models – B2B and B2C. #b2b #b2c #wallstreetmojo #businessmodel #strategy Chapters: 00:00 – Introduction 00:27 – What is B2B? 01:03 – What is B2C? 01:36 – B2B vs.B2C 02:33 – Similarities 03:16 – Conclusion What is B2B? The B2B model is one in which a business sells or deals with businesses only. For example – Google. Providing online advertisement services to businesses. What is B2C? The B2C model is one in which a business sells or deals directly with the consumer. For example – Wallstreetmojo. Providing skill-building courses to individuals. B2B vs B2C A business with a B2B model will cater to other businesses, provide them with a product or service, and build a good relationship with such businesses. The order size will be relatively larger in B2B. A business with a B2C model will look to cater to individuals and provide goods or services to them that will be useful. The order size in B2C will be relatively small. (Explained in detail in the video) Similarities B2B and B2C businesses will have to invest in marketing and advertising. The companies must also build a trustworthy brand and an online presence. Whether a B2B business or a B2C one, both must create value for their end users. Finally, the customer is king. Businesses with either model must give their customers the best and treat them right. We regularly post such content so subscribe to the channel if you don’t want to miss out on our content. Don’t forget to like the video and also share it with others. ========================================================================== Subscribe to Our Channel – Youtube ► LinkedIn ► Facebook ► Instagram ► Twitter ►

Resources for Accountants

IAS 12 (Part 2) [Video]

IAS 12, Income Taxes applies to all entities subject to taxes based on income. The accounting guidance in IAS 12 requires that the effects of income taxes, both current and deferred, be accounted for in the financial statements. Therefore, a good understanding of the accounting for income taxes is essential when preparing or auditing financial statements. This topic is covered in two eLearning courses, both of which are CPE eligible. IAS 12 Part 1 introduced IAS 12 and its objectives and scope. It focused on the accounting for current taxes, including uncertainty over income tax treatments. This course, IAS 12 Part 2, will focus on the accounting for deferred taxes. Identification of temporary differences, measurement and recognition of deferred taxes, as well as determining whether an exemption from recognition applies, will be covered. Take our self-study eLearning course here: Coming Soon Learn more about GAAP Dynamics: Check out our other online courses on the Revolution: Subscribe to GAAP Dynamics to see more videos like this!

Resources for Accountants

Crypto Scams & How to Stay Safe? [Video]

#shorts #scams Fake investment schemes- How to Stay Safe? Out of nowhere, a hot-shot investment manager will call you promising some serious profits if you invest into the crypto investment scheme. To win over your trust, they might also claim you have helped many investors make millions of dollars by investing in cryptocurrency. Next, they may ask for an upfront fee or your personal details, claiming to use that for transferring or depositing funds. But actually, they use these details to gain access to your digital wallet. And before you know it, your precious little coins are gone.

Resources for Accountants

After-hours trading Easy explanation [Video]

This video will teach you everything you need to know about after-hours trading. #stockmarket #trading #wallstreetmojo #investing #financialmarket Chapters: 00:00 – Introduction 00:23 – What is after-hours trading? 00:52 – How does it work? 01:35 – Reasons to take trades after hours 02:11 – After-hours trading example 02:34 – Risks 03:16 – Conclusion What is after-hours trading? The US stock market opens at 9:30 AM and closes at 4:00 PM. After-hours trading, you can buy and sell shares after the market closes and before it opens on the next day. How does it work? If you want to trade after-hours, you’d have to place the buy or sell orders on an ECN, which stands for Electronic Communication Network. This network was available only to institutional investors and HNIs earlier. However, with the rise of tech in this space, ECNs have become much more accessible. Reasons to take trades after-hours Many traders analyze price movements while the open market and take trades based on that after hours. This allows them to plan their trades and reduce risks. Traders may also trade in after hours if any company releases its earnings after closing the market. After-hours trading example Amazon released its quarterly earnings after the market closed on 28th July 2022. The result indicated growth in revenue for the company, and Amazon’s shares jumped 14% in the after hours. Risks In the after hours, there are going to be fewer traders active in the market. This will lead to lower liquidity in the market which further leads to high volatility in the market. Finally, prices in the normal market hours and the after-hours will vary. This happens because the after-hours trading data is not linked so it may show different data on different platforms. This was all about after-hours trading. So do like the video, comment below if you have ever traded in the after-hours, and share the video with others. Don’t forget to subscribe to the channel, as we keep coming up with such content regularly. ========================================================================== Subscribe to Our Channel – Youtube ► LinkedIn ► Facebook ► Instagram ► Twitter ►

Resources for Accountants

PP&E and Intangible Assets [Video]

Impairment exists when the carrying amount of an assets exceeds its fair value, but not all impairment is recorded in the financial statements. Determining if an asset or an asset group is impaired takes a significant amount of judgment and an understanding of the requirements of the different impairment tests within U.S. GAAP. No worries. This CPE-eligible, eLearning course (1.5 CPE) has you covered! After discussing the scope of the impairment guidance and the concept of asset groups, this online course walks you through the "trigger-based" impairment test found within ASC 360 that is applicable to PP&E and intangible assets with finite lives. What about intangible assets with indefinite lives? We cover that too as we walk through the guidance within ASC 350. The online course concludes with a review of the presentation and disclosure requirements within U.S. GAAP related to impairment. If you’re looking for guidance on testing goodwill for impairment, you won’t find it in this course. We have a separate eLearning course dedicated to that topic. This is the first course in our 2-part impairment training series. Take our self-study eLearning course here: Learn more about GAAP Dynamics: Check out our other online courses on the Revolution: Subscribe to GAAP Dynamics to see more videos like this!

Resources for Accountants

Odd lot: Easy explanation [Video]

In this video, you will learn about a stock market topic, an odd lot. #stockmarket #trading #wallstreetmojo #investing #portfolio Chapters: 00:00 – Introduction 00:22 – What is an odd lot? 02:14 – Causes of popularity 03:21 – Conclusion What is an odd lot? In the stock markets, any shares or security traded in a standardized unit is a lot. These lots would be in multiples of 10, 100, and 1000 and their purpose is to make it easier to calculate the price, quantity, price change, etc. An odd lot is when the quantity of the shares is not as per the multiples of the lot. For example, if the lots are multiples of, say, 100, the odd lot would be 21, 33, 42, etc. Odd lot trading may have a couple of problems. Firstly, if you trade in an odd lot, you might be charged an extra commission, and secondly, it may be difficult to find sellers of odd lots as many exchanges don’t allow odd lot trading. Causes of popularity Stock splits and reverse stock splits can leave a shareholder with an odd lot. Odd lot trading makes it easier for people to own shares. People may trade in odd lots because of diversification. This was all about an odd lot. So, subscribe to the channel, and don’t forget to like, comment, and share the video. ========================================================================== Subscribe to Our Channel – Youtube ► LinkedIn ► Facebook ► Instagram ► Twitter ►

Resources for Accountants

How to Be a Natural Leader | Leadership Inspirational Video

Discover How to Be a Natural Leader. Leadership Inspirational Video. Go to to get a free business plan template, plus dozens of tools for managing and starting a business, featuring dozens of templates, books, worksheets, tools, software, checklists, videos, manuals, and spreadsheets. All completely free, no strings attached. Also see here how I managed to save hundreds on car insurance (my dirty little trick):

Resources for Accountants

Taxes and the Inflation Reduction Act [Video]

The Inflation Reduction Act was signed into law on August 16, 2022. The Inflation Reduction Act affects U.S. tax law by: (1) creating two new excise taxes (a 1% excise tax on stock repurchases and an alternative minimum tax on corporations that based on 15% of their book income) (2) Extending the Section 461 excess business loss limitation for noncorporate taxpayers through 2028 (3) Extending two provisions of the premium tax credit for 3 years to help people buy insurance under the Affordable Care Act (4) Expanding and modifying multiple tax credits related to energy production and efficiency The Inflation Reduction Act also provides more than $80 billion in funding for the IRS, with more than half of the funds going toward enforcement. — Edspira is the creation of Michael McLaughlin, an award-winning professor who went from teenage homelessness to a PhD. Edspira’s mission is to make a high-quality business education freely available to the world. — SUBSCRIBE FOR A FREE 53-PAGE GUIDE TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, PLUS: • A 23-PAGE GUIDE TO MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTING • A 44-PAGE GUIDE TO U.S. TAXATION • A 75-PAGE GUIDE TO FINANCIAL STATEMENT ANALYSIS • MANY MORE FREE PDF GUIDES AND SPREADSHEETS * — SUPPORT EDSPIRA ON PATREON * — GET CERTIFIED IN FINANCIAL STATEMENT ANALYSIS, IFRS 16, AND ASSET-LIABILITY MANAGEMENT * — LISTEN TO THE SCHEME PODCAST * Apple Podcasts: * Spotify: * Website: — GET TAX TIPS ON TIKTOK * — ACCESS INDEX OF VIDEOS * — CONNECT WITH EDSPIRA * Facebook: * Instagram: * LinkedIn: — CONNECT WITH MICHAEL * Twitter: * LinkedIn: — ABOUT EDSPIRA AND ITS CREATOR * *

Resources for Accountants

Noise trader: Easy explanation [Video]

In this video, you will learn who a noise trader is and also understand what type of trader you should become. #trader #investor #wallstreetmojo #financialmarkets #noisetrader Chapters: 00:00 – Introduction 00:32 – Understanding with an example 01:36 – Who is a noise trader? 02:32 – Noise trader impact 03:27 – Noise trader risk 03:57 – Conclusion Say that you own 100 shares of Apple, and recently, Apple’s results came out, and it was poor. There is panic everywhere, and people are selling. Would you also sell the shares? Or would you decide to keep the shares in your portfolio? Or would you consider buying more Apple shares? Who is a noise trader? Noise traders are those types of traders that buy and sell stocks based on rumors, and unsolicited tips, without any analysis. In short, they trade or invest all based on noise. These people think they have some special and exclusive knowledge about the stock that will make them rich overnight. But unfortunately or fortunately, things don’t work that way, and these noise traders often end up learning this lesson the hard way. Noise trader impact So the way these noise traders trade greatly impacts the prices of the stocks and the market in general. At any given time, there will be a fair value of a stock, but when these noise traders come in and buy or sell frantically, it disturbs the fair value. The second impact that the noise traders have on the markets is that their activity of buying or selling stocks leads to a massive increase in volatility. Noise trader risk Noise traders don’t trade with proper risk management, which leads to them blowing away their capital. The way these noise traders act in the market affects their profit and loss and that of the others. The extra volatility caused by noise traders often leads to swings in the PnL of other traders or investors’ portfolios, which is unfair to them. By the way, if you were planning on getting involved in the stock market, now you know what type of a trader or investor you should be. If you found this video interesting, then do like the video, comment below any noise trader that you know, and also share this video with others. We regularly post such content so subscribe to the channel if you don’t want to miss out on those videos. ========================================================================== Subscribe to Our Channel – Youtube ► LinkedIn ► Facebook ► Instagram ► Twitter ►

Resources for Accountants

Investments: Equity Securities [Video]

The accounting for investments in equity securities has changed. No more annoying acronyms like "AFS" or "OTTI". Are you up-to-speed on the new requirements? No worries, we've got you covered! This CPE-eligible, eLearning course (1.0 CPE) covers the accounting and reporting requirements for investments in equity securities and other ownership interests in an entity within the scope of ASC 321 Investments – Equity Securities. This online course discusses the scope of ASC 321 and the accounting for investments in equity securities with readily determinable fair values. What if the fair value of the investment is not readily determinable? We cover that too, specifically the measurement alternative within ASC 321 and the requirements for its use. This is the second course in our 2-part accounting for investments training series. Take our self-study eLearning course here: Learn more about GAAP Dynamics: Check out our other online courses on the Revolution: Subscribe to GAAP Dynamics to see more videos like this!