Resources for Accountants

Algorithmic trading : Strategies and Components: Easy explanation. [Video]

In this part 2 video of algorithmic trading, we will dive deeper into the topic of algorithmic trading. #algorithmictrading #financialtrading #wallstreetmojo #algo #bottrading Chapters: 00:00 – Introduction 00:27 – Algorithmic trading strategies 00:52 – No. 1: Trend trading 01:12 – No. 2: Mean reversion 01:35 – No. 3: Arbitrage 01:58 – No. 4: Index fund rebalancing 02:17 – Components 03:39 – Example The strategies that the biggest algo trading firms use can be really complex and complicated at times, but here are some commonly used algo trading strategies. (Explained in detail in the video) Trend trading The price trends just 30% of the time, and if you can catch those trends, it could fetch you some really big profits. (Explained in detail in the video) Mean reversion A mean reversion strategy looks at past price movement to analyze how far or close the price is currently from its equilibrium price or the mean price. This is a rather more advanced type of deployment strategy, but it sure does fetch some decent returns if done right. Arbitrage Arbitrage is when there is a mismatch between the prices of the same thing in two different markets. Arbitrage opportunities do not stay for long, but if you have an algorithm that looks to spot such opportunities and trade them, then you can capitalize on them. (Explained in detail in the video) Index fund rebalancing Index fund portfolios often need rebalancing as the price of each stock changes. Hence, investors use algorithms to bring their portfolios in sync with the index and maintain the correlation between it and the portfolio. Components If algorithmic trading has piqued your interest and you want to build such a trading model for yourself, then here’s what you’d need. (Explained in detail in the video) Firstly, you’ll need to have quite some knowledge about trading strategies, and also about computer programming. Next, you’ll need to have some really good computers that can sustain the load of such high-paced and intensive work. (Explained in detail in the video) The next component would be network connectivity. Without this, it’ll be like you’re on an island without any contact with the world. Finally, you’ll need to have some system in place that can check whether your strategy is performing as per your requirements or not. (Explained in detail in the video) Example Say that you’ve come up with a strategy to trade stocks, but you don’t have the time to sit in front of the screen the entire time, or you are not that quick with executing the trades. You can hire a programmer to build a computer code based on these rules and deploy this in the market. The algorithm would automatically take the trades based on the rules, and you won’t have to do anything. This was all about algorithmic trading, and we hope you’ve learned a lot in this 2 part video series. Don’t forget to subscribe to the channel and also like the video. ========================================================================== Subscribe to Our Channel – Youtube ► LinkedIn ► Facebook ► Instagram ► Twitter ►

Resources for Accountants

How To Automate Journal Entries [All levels] [Video]

Rather than manually entering journal entries, you 100x better off uploading the JE via Excel to the Accounting software. I show you how, watch the full video. Enroll in the Controller Academy 🚀 —————————— My other best selling courses: 🔥Take 30% off when you enroll in my online course “Night Before the Accounting Interview Guide” including All Levels Q&A🔥: 📈Get My “Controller KPI Dashboard” (Excel + Course) with the most important P&L and Balance Sheet KPIs: ​​ ——————————————————————— Hang Out with me on social media: 📸 📱 🙋🏼‍♂️ DISCLAIMER: Links included in this description might be affiliate links. If you happen to purchase a product or service with the links that I provide I may receive a small commission. There is no additional charge to you! Thank you for supporting my channel so I can continue to provide you with free content each week! All views expressed on my channel are mine alone. Not intended as financial or professional advice

Resources for Accountants

How to Evaluate Internal Controls for the Purchasing Process [Video]

Before you can test a client’s internal controls you first need to know which internal controls are in place. The auditor can identify the internal controls by asking the client’s employees to complete a questionnaire and by doing a walkthrough of the purchasing process. The walkthrough would involve following a purchase from the initial requisition all the way through to updating the accounts payable records and the general ledger. The auditor should also be sure to consider entity-level controls. For example: • Does the audit committee play an active role? • Does management have written policies and procedures for authorizing purchases? • Does management require authorized signatures for purchase requisitions and purchase orders? • Does management ensure that only authorized persons can make changes to vendor information? • Does management set dollar limits for purchases by different levels of employees? • Does management closely monitor days payable outstanding? In addition to considering entity-level controls, the auditor should also identify the internal controls pertaining to each management assertion. For example, a 3-way match of a purchase order, receiving report, and vendor invoice provides evidence about the occurrence of a purchase transaction and the existence of accounts payable. • Verifying the dates on these documents provides evidence about the cutoff assertion • The use of prenumbered documents provides evidence about the completeness assertion • Comparing these documents ensures that the correct type of goods and the correct quantity of goods have been purchased and at the correct price and terms of trade. This provides evidence about the authorization and accuracy assertions Segregation of duties is also a very important internal control for the purchasing process. Custody of assets and blank forms is also critical to prevent employee fraud. 0:00 Introduction 0:20 Walkthrough 1:15 Entity-level controls 2:47 Internal controls related to management assertions 5:04 Segregation of duties 5:49 Examples of segregating duties 7:49 Custody of assets and blank forms 9:24 Internal controls for purchase transactions 13:02 Internal controls for cash disbursements 13:36 Internal controls for accounts payable — Edspira is the creation of Michael McLaughlin, an award-winning professor who went from teenage homelessness to a PhD. Edspira’s mission is to make a high-quality business education freely available to the world. — SUBSCRIBE FOR A FREE 53-PAGE GUIDE TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, PLUS: • A 23-PAGE GUIDE TO MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTING • A 44-PAGE GUIDE TO U.S. TAXATION • A 75-PAGE GUIDE TO FINANCIAL STATEMENT ANALYSIS • MANY MORE FREE PDF GUIDES AND SPREADSHEETS * — SUPPORT EDSPIRA ON PATREON * — GET CERTIFIED IN FINANCIAL STATEMENT ANALYSIS, IFRS 16, AND ASSET-LIABILITY MANAGEMENT * — LISTEN TO THE SCHEME PODCAST * Apple Podcasts: * Spotify: * Website: — GET TAX TIPS ON TIKTOK * — ACCESS INDEX OF VIDEOS * — CONNECT WITH EDSPIRA * Facebook: * Instagram: * LinkedIn: — CONNECT WITH MICHAEL * Twitter: * LinkedIn: — ABOUT EDSPIRA AND ITS CREATOR * *

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The Art of Personal Growth and Self Development [Video]

Discover How to Take Personal Growth Serious and Maintain Your Self Growth. Go to to get a free business plan template, plus dozens of tools for managing and starting a business, featuring dozens of templates, books, worksheets, tools, software, checklists, videos, manuals, and spreadsheets. All completely free, no strings attached. Also see here how I managed to save hundreds on car insurance (my dirty little trick):

Resources for Accountants

Algorithmic trading part 1: Easy explanation [Video]

In this video, you will get introduced to algorithmic trading. #algorithmictrading #financialtrading #wallstreetmojo #algo Chapters: 00:00 – Introduction 00:29 – What is algorithmic trading? 01:16 – How does algorithmic trading work? 02:21 – Advantages and disadvantages 03:05 – Flash Crash 03:40 – Conclusion What is algorithmic trading? Algorithmic trading is automated trading where traders or investors do not have to punch in buy or sell orders manually. Rather, the computer does it for them. (Explained in detail in the video) According to a Wallstreet source, almost 60 to 70% of the overall US equities trading is done by algorithms. (Explained in detail in the video) The legendary trader, Jim Simons, has made all of his fortunes through algorithmic trading. He is considered to be the pioneer of algorithmic trading. How does algorithmic trading work? If you are a trader, then it is likely that you will have some rules or conditions that need to be met before you buy or sell a financial asset. (Explained in detail in the video) You can create a computer program, input all the trade conditions, and make it buy or sell whenever the strategy gives the signal. This way, you don’t have to do anything manually, and the program trades for you independently. (Explained in detail in the video) Advantages and disadvantages There are mainly two advantages to algorithmic trading, less human intervention and quick execution. The computer does the work with algorithmic trading, and a trader’s emotions would not interfere with it. (Explained in detail in the video) Secondly, in this fast-paced financial market, things are changing every second, and you will lose money if you cannot keep up with the pace. That’s where algorithmic trading can help in quicker trade execution. But along with these advantages, algorithmic trading has some disadvantages too. There is something known as a flash crash that happened several times over the last decade. Another disadvantage of algorithmic trading is that it can drastically affect liquidity in the market, and at times it could do more harm than good. (Explained in detail in the video) This was an introduction to algorithmic trading. Make sure you’ve subscribed to the channel, so you don’t miss out on the next video we upload on algorithmic trading. ========================================================================== Subscribe to Our Channel – Youtube ► LinkedIn ► Facebook ► Instagram ► Twitter ►

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What is Odd lot: Shorts Easy explanation [Video]

#shorts #shares #oddlot HEARD ABOUT "ODD LOT" | MUST WATCH | WALLSTREETMOJO What is an odd lot? In the stock markets, any shares or security traded in a standardized unit is a lot. ========================================================================== Subscribe to Our Channel – Youtube ► LinkedIn ► Facebook ► Instagram ► Twitter ►

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Direct listing: Easy explanation. [Video]

This video will teach you everything you need to know about the direct listing. #directlisting #ipo #wallstreetmojo #stockmarket #capitalraising Chapters: 00:00 – Introduction 00:29– What is direct listing? 01:15 – Some examples of direct listing 02:03 – Benefits of direct listing 03:08 – Direct listing vs. IPO 04:43 – Conclusion (Explained in detail in the video) What is direct listing? Companies having IPOs need to go through lots of procedures and compliances. The company can bypass all this and offer its shares to the public directly, and they can do that through a direct listing. (Explained in detail in the video) Some examples of direct listing In 2019, Slack completed a direct listing on the New York Stock Exchange. The stock had opened at $38.50 from a reference price of $26. In 2018, Spotify, the streaming giant, used the direct listing strategy to raise capital. The stock had opened at $165.90 from a reference price of $132. Benefits of direct listing The primary benefit of the direct listing method is that companies can bypass mediators, which also allows them to avoid paying various costs associated with IPOs and fundraising. (Explained in detail in the video) The company can set the price and period of the offering, minimum investment, total shares that investors can buy, and the settlement date. Another benefit of a direct listing is that companies don’t have to undersell their shares which they would’ve had to do in an IPO. Lastly, the company doesn’t have to create new shares and can list the existing shares in the direct listing. (Explained in detail in the video) Direct listing vs. IPO (Check out the comparison table in the video) The objective of direct listing and IPO is the same: raising capital. The difference may lie in how the companies raise capital, i.e., by offering existing shares or by creating new shares and offering those to the general public. (Explained in detail in the video) In the direct listing, there is no intermediary, while in an IPO, there are a couple of intermediaries. The absence of any lock-in period in a direct listing is one more advantage. With affordability, a direct listing makes it cost-effective for companies to raise capital, while an IPO might cost them a lot. (Explained in detail in the video) In a direct listing, the availability of shares depends on the employees and investors. In contrast, in an IPO, the shares may be readily available as the company creates new shares for the listing. You might know that in an IPO, you can book or subscribe to the shares for yourself that would be allotted or given to you later on. But in a direct listing, you can buy the shares only after the company has listed them on the stock exchange. (Explained in detail in the video) Finally, a direct listing might result in more liquidity and volatility for the shareholders, while an IPO may have less liquidity and volatility. We regularly develop such content on the stock market and finance, so subscribe to the channel. ========================================================================== Subscribe to Our Channel – Youtube ► LinkedIn ► Facebook ► Instagram ► Twitter ►

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Difference between NSE and BSE: Easy explanation. [Video]

In this video, you will learn the difference between India’s leading stock exchanges, NSE and BSE. #nse #bse #wallstreetmojo #nationalstockexchange #bombaystockexchange Chapters: 00:00 – Introduction 00:26 – What is NSE? 01:01 – What is BSE? 01:32 – NSE vs. BSE 03:08 – Which one is better? What is NSE? Incorporated in 1992, the National Stock Exchange is India’s largest stock exchange. (Explained in detail in the video) It facilitates trading, clearing, and settlement in cash and derivatives segments of equities, debt, commodities, and currencies. NSE’s benchmark index Nifty 50, tracks 50 listed companies whose stocks are the most liquid and most frequently traded on the stock exchange. (Explained in detail in the video) The NSE was India’s first stock exchange to launch an electronic screen-based automated trading system in 1994. What is BSE? Incorporated in 1875, the Bombay Stock Exchange is Asia’s oldest stock exchange. BSE’s benchmark index SENSEX tracks the 30 most actively traded and financially strong Indian companies listed on the stock exchange. (Explained in detail in the video) The Bombay Stock Exchange also facilitates trading, clearing, and settlement in cash and derivatives segments of equities, debt, commodities, and currencies. NSE vs. BSE NSE is India’s largest stock exchange, and BSE is Asia’s oldest stock exchange. So, both stock exchanges have great brand value. Both exchanges facilitate trading and other services in the same financial products and segments. (Explained in detail in the video) The Bombay Stock Exchange’s market cap is slightly higher than the National Stock Exchange’s market cap, making BSE the 8th largest stock exchange in the world, and NSE is the 10th largest stock exchange in the world. (Explained in detail in the video) There are around 2,000 companies listed on NSE, and on BSE, that number is more than double at around 5,000 listed companies. NSE’s Nifty is trading at ₹17,347.50 while BSE’s Sensex is trading at ₹58,246.46. Recently, the Bombay Stock Exchange’s Managing Director and CEO, Mr. Ashishkumar Chauhan, stepped down from his role and was appointed Managing Director and CEO of the National Stock Exchange. (Explained in detail in the video) Which one is better? Both exchanges are good for trading and investing as all the top companies are listed on both NSE and BSE. One place where the NSE trumps is in liquidity, and it is said that NSE has slightly better liquidity than BSE. Otherwise, both Indian stock exchanges are good enough to trade and invest in, and that's why both are among the top stock exchanges in the world. This was all about the difference between NSE and BSE. Don’t forget to like, comment, and also share the video with others. ========================================================================== Subscribe to Our Channel – Youtube ► LinkedIn ► Facebook ► Instagram ► Twitter ►

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How to Promote Your Business Online [Video]

Discover How to Promote Your Business Online. Go to to get a free business plan template, plus dozens of tools for managing and starting a business, featuring dozens of templates, books, worksheets, tools, software, checklists, videos, manuals, and spreadsheets. All completely free, no strings attached. Also see here how I managed to save hundreds on car insurance (my dirty little trick):

Resources for Accountants

Why Days Sales in Inventory Matters [Video]

Companies can unlock value by reducing days sales in inventory. A lower days sales in inventory has a number of benefits: • Shorter cash conversion cycle • Lower inventory holding costs • Ability to operate with narrow margins Benefit #1 Reducing a company’s days sales in inventory shortens its cash conversion cycle. The cash conversion cycle, also known as the cash-to-cash cycle, is the sum of days sales in inventory (DSI) and days sales outstanding (DSO) minus days payable outstanding (DPO). Cash Conversion Cycle = DSI + DSO – DPO If a company can reduce days sales in inventory it can reduce the length of its cash conversion cycle, which means the company will need less capital to finance inventory. Benefit #2 Reducing a company’s days sales in inventory also reduces inventory holding costs. It’s not free to hold inventory, as companies incur the cost of: • Storing the inventory • Insuring the inventory against loss from fire, storm, or shipwreck • Safeguarding the inventory with security measures • Paying property taxes on the inventory Some inventory faces the risk of obsolescence, while other inventory is at risk of spoilage. Inventory may also be lost, broken, or stolen. These events can lead to inventory writedowns that reduce the company’s profit. There is also the opportunity cost of holding inventory, as the capital tied up in inventory could have been put to use in other projects or invested in securities to earn a return. Benefit #3 Reducing DSI also allows a company to achieve profitability with a low gross margin. 0:00 Introduction 0:08 3 benefits of reducing DSI 0:18 Cash Conversion Cycle 2:53 Lower Inventory Holding Costs 4:17 Ability to operate with narrow margins — Edspira is the creation of Michael McLaughlin, an award-winning professor who went from teenage homelessness to a PhD. Edspira’s mission is to make a high-quality business education freely available to the world. — SUBSCRIBE FOR A FREE 53-PAGE GUIDE TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, PLUS: • A 23-PAGE GUIDE TO MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTING • A 44-PAGE GUIDE TO U.S. TAXATION • A 75-PAGE GUIDE TO FINANCIAL STATEMENT ANALYSIS • MANY MORE FREE PDF GUIDES AND SPREADSHEETS * — SUPPORT EDSPIRA ON PATREON * — GET CERTIFIED IN FINANCIAL STATEMENT ANALYSIS, IFRS 16, AND ASSET-LIABILITY MANAGEMENT * — LISTEN TO THE SCHEME PODCAST * Apple Podcasts: * Spotify: * Website: — GET TAX TIPS ON TIKTOK * — ACCESS INDEX OF VIDEOS * — CONNECT WITH EDSPIRA * Facebook: * Instagram: * LinkedIn: — CONNECT WITH MICHAEL * Twitter: * LinkedIn: — ABOUT EDSPIRA AND ITS CREATOR * *

Resources for Accountants

Why I worked in audit #shorts [Video]

I started my Accounting journey at PwC as an auditor. After 15 years of that experience, I can tell you there were 6 main benefits to starting out in audit: Professional Skepticism effect: Due to the fact that audit is always based on finding support and evidence, Your mind becomes adapted to this. Ultimately down the line, makes your work based on evidence, which will make you much more credible among your peers Varied clients: Work on a variety of clients from different Industries such as manufacturing and services. Which will expose you to all the accounting issues that come with that. Take no BS from auditors: You will learn how an audit is run from the inside so, down the line, when you sitting on the other side of the table, you will know how to negotiate with auditors Higher salary history: You'll begin your salary history on a higher level Because typically Auditors are more than those in Private Industry Get your CPA chops: You will get the necessary experience to get your CPA license which is the gold standard for the accounting profession See places! Travel the world for free which is always awesome #shorts Enroll in the Controller Academy 🚀 —————————— My other best selling courses: 🔥Take 30% off when you enroll in my online course “Night Before the Accounting Interview Guide” including All Levels Q&A🔥: 📈Get My “Controller KPI Dashboard” (Excel + Course) with the most important P&L and Balance Sheet KPIs: ​​ ——————————————————————— Hang Out with me on social media: 📸 📱 🙋🏼‍♂️ DISCLAIMER: Links included in this description might be affiliate links. If you happen to purchase a product or service with the links that I provide I may receive a small commission. There is no additional charge to you! Thank you for supporting my channel so I can continue to provide you with free content each week! All views expressed on my channel are mine alone. Not intended as financial or professional advice

Resources for Accountants

Crypto Scams & How to Stay Safe? [Video]

#shorts #scams #crypto Remember that infamous squid game scam where you had to play the game in order to earn cryptocurrency. People bought online tokens and earned more later by exchanging them for other cryptocurrencies. In no time, the price of Squid token went from little 1 cent to crazy $90. And then, one day, the trading suddenly stopped. The scammers had accumulated a whopping $3 million, and before anybody could notice their scam, they just disappeared. This is how Rug Pull scams are pulled off. Scammers pump up in new project, NFTs, or a coin to gather funds. And once a sufficient amount goes into their project, they suddenly disappear, leaving all their investors dry.