Resources for Accountants

Liquidity Ratios – Meaning, Formula, Calculation & Interpretations [Video]

Liquidity Ratios – Meaning, Formula, Calculation & Interpretations

This tutorial will give you a detailed understanding of Liquidity Ratios, including their definitions, formulas, calculations, and interpretations. Here, you will learn about its three types – current ratio, quick ratio, and cash ratio.

What are Liquidity Ratios?
Liquidity ratios are used to assess a company’s ability to meet short-term financial obligations and sustain its short-term debt-paying capabilities.

Liquidity Ratios Formulas
Current Ratio Formula = Current Assets / Current Liabilities
Quick ratio Formula = Quick assets / Quick Liabilities
= (Cash and Cash Equivalents + Accounts receivables) / (Current liabilities – Bank overdraft)
Cash Ratio Formula = Cash + Cash Equivalents / Total Current Liabilities

Relevance and Use
– Liquidity ratios help identify whether or not the company has enough liquidity to pay its short-term obligations, allowing it to plan its future course of action accordingly.
– Investors, creditors, banks, and other stakeholders use it as part of their due diligence before extending credit or investing in the company.

For more details, you can refer to our article –

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Resources for Accountants

A&A Update with Brad Muniz - 5/3/22 | IssuesWatch Podcast [Video]

This episode covers changes to employee benefit plan audits, FASB’s proposed updates to reference rate reform guidance, important ERC accounting guidelines and PCAOB, SEC and U.S. DOL updates.*** This episode qualifies for nano CPE credit. Find out more at ***Additional resources:• FASB Proposes Updates to Reference Rate Reform Guidance -• SAS 136, Forming an Opinion and Reporting on Financial Statements of Employee Benefit Plans Subject to ERISA -• PCAOB proposed requirements for accounting estimates and using specialists - • U.S. Department of Labor: Compliance Assistance Release No. 2022-01 - 401(k) Plan Investments in “Cryptocurrencies” -• SEC Proposes Rules to Enhance Disclosure and Investor Protection Relating to Special Purpose Acquisition Companies, Shell Companies, and Projections- #podcast #accounting #audit #auditing #erisa #employeebenefitplans #ebpaudits #fasb #aicpa #pcaob #sec #spacs========================================Watch all IssuesWatch Podcast episodes at SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE CPA VIDEO TIPS AND NEWS -'S CONNECT:NJCPA http://www.njcpa.orgFACEBOOK

Resources for Accountants

Inspiring Short Stories | The House with the Golden Windows | Motivational & Inspirational Video [Video]

The House with the Golden Windows. Inspiring short stories. Motivational & inspirational video. Best short inspirational videos. Inspirational quotes about life and love.The motivational stories and famous anecdotes presented in this video are excerpts from our book: Top 100 motivational stories: the best inspirational short stories and anecdotes of all time. Get the book here:

Resources for Accountants

Inspiring Short Stories | The Angry Father [Video]

The Angry Father. Inspiring short stories. Motivational & inspirational video. Best short inspirational videos. Inspirational quotes about life and love. The motivational stories and famous anecdotes presented in this video are excerpts from our book: Top 100 motivational stories: the best inspirational short stories and anecdotes of all time. Get the book here:

Resources for Accountants

IFRS CPE Courses [Video]

Check out our IFRS CPE at -, we're going to go over the IFRS CPE courses for CPAs course list on CPE IFRS, which stands for International Financial Reporting Standards refers to a set f International Accounting Standards in a global economy that US companies sometimes need to be aware of and how they compare to GAAP. We have 16 courses that deal with IFRS issues. We have comparison courses, business combination of several that we have a series here of seven courses that a lot of people have a lot of positive feedback on. We've got a comparison course here real short one, US GAAP versus IFRS new guidelines, new lease accounting standards and how that applies or how IFRS fits into that. And then US GAAP and IFRS revenue recognition and business combinations. Any questions? Click the chat bubble down in the lower right. Let us know. To Contact Us please go to or just open a chat on any page on our site.