I had thought that in-person therapy was going out of style. But after doing a little research, it looks like it's coming back into fashion. But given that there's evidence showing that virtual therapy is just as effective as in-person therapy, plus the convenience and cost-effectiveness of being remote, why the movement back to meeting in person? We dig into this question a little more in this episode. I turn to research, your responses to my Instagram poll and yes, Reddit, to try to understand a little better. Just one extended version this week. My of my short and snappy episides again next time 🙂 Sign up for TherapyNotes and get two months FREE: https://www.therapynotes.com/r/private%20practice%20skills/ FREE Guide: Start a Private Practice in Counseling: https://tinyurl.com/y9ek9en8 Links Mentioned: Link to Poll responses: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MBlDAo78t0yFHoB-rKCD1K3tRR-TqPKHnaBZQ-TRLlg/edit?usp=sharing Psychology Today Article: "The Data Are In: Telehealth Is Here to Stay” https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/psychoanalytic-exploration/202111/the-data-are-in-telehealth-is-here-stay Vogue Article Referencing 2024 data: "How …
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