Purchase the Controller Bundle at 30% off with code 30offcourse: https://thefincontroller.com/p/controller-bundle-3-courses-learn-accounting-kpi-design-kpi-dashboard-download-and-course Download your Index Match practice file: https://thefincontroller.com/p/index-match-example How to perform Index Match in Excel: The basics. Watch this video lecture to find out how you can use Index & Match for both basic and complex lookup problems. This video shows you how Index Match works with simple and to the point explanation. The video first shows you how Index formula works by itself and then how Match is created, and then combines the two Excel formulas together for a robust lookup each time. Why Index Match is more superior than Vlookup & why should you use Index Match instead of Vlookup? 1. VLOOKUP searches only to the right, INDEX and MATCH can look in both directions – left and right. 2. INDEX & MATCH can perform two-way lookups by both looking along the rows and along the columns to …