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How to research Fintech stocks like Square (SQ) on Simply Wall St [Video]

How to research Fintech stocks like Square (SQ) on Simply Wall St

Jack Dorsey, CEO of Twitter (NYSE:TWTR) and Square (NYSE:SQ) has now made the call to commit his attention full time to Square and step down from his role of CEO at Twitter. Many have viewed this as a positive development for Square and are intrigued to see what plays out. First order of business appears to be a name change to Block Inc around December 10th. This high growth Fintech stock has pulled back 35% since its highs in August 2021 after a huge share price gain during 2020 and the first half of 2021.

In this video, our equity analyst Michael shows us how he uses the Simply Wall St Company report to learn more about SQ and shows us the useful insights that can be gained from the report, and what he’d look at next.

The Simply Wall St articles that are mentioned at the start of the video can be found here: and here:

The Simply Wall St company report is a great starting point when you first discover a stock and want to get a quick yet in-depth view of its fundamentals. This report gives you a visual representation of vast amounts of data which reveals many insights which usually take much longer to discover.

Simply Wall St analyst Michael Paige and Simply Wall St have no position in SQ. This video is general in nature. It does not constitute a recommendation to buy or sell any stock and does not take account of your objectives, or your financial situation. We aim to bring you long-term focused analysis driven by fundamental data. Note that our analysis may not factor in the latest price-sensitive company announcements or qualitative material.

The analysis is updated every day, so if you’d like to view SQ you can check it out on the platform here:

We’re also hiring for multiple roles at SWS! If you’re inspired to help empower retail investors around the world to make better investing decisions, then check out all of our available positions here:

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Resources for Accountants

Technical Analysis FREE COURSE for Beginners (Step by Step) [Video]

In this video, an expert technical analyst explains the key aspects of technical analysis that every beginner must know before entering the world of trading. First, the video discusses the philosophy of technical analysis and then moves on to explain crucial concepts, such as charts, trends, support and resistance levels, and technical indicators. Before wrapping up, the video also teaches you how to implement an effective trading strategy. Timestamps 0:0:01-0:1:13 Introduction 0:1:13-0:06:06 Philosophy of Technical Analysis 0:06:06-0:12:06 Charts 0:12:06-0:17:47 Trends & Trendlines 0:17:47-0:22:53 Support & Resistance 0:22:53-0:30:41 Chart Patterns 0:30:410-39:25 Technical Indicators: Moving Average and RSI 0:39:25-0:42:43 Technical Indicators: MACD 0:42:43-0:49:09 Trading Strategy Learn more about Technical Analysis with our Pro Course:

Resources for Accountants

Negotiation skills: How to Bargain and Negotiate [Video]

Bargaining and negotiation are essential skills in both personal and professional life. Whether you're haggling for a better price at a market or negotiating a job offer, mastering these skills can save you money, build stronger relationships, and help you achieve your goals. In this guide, you'll learn the art of bargaining and negotiation in a second-person style, making it easy for you to put these techniques into practice.Get free business and management guides, tools, and worksheets at:

Resources for Accountants

All about Stock halt- Easy Explaination- Part 1 [Video]

In this video, you will learn about stock halt, its rules, and how it is triggered.#stockhalt #stockmarket #wallstreetmojo #stockexchange #regulatorChapters:00:00 – Introduction00:35 – What is the stock halt?01:29 – Rules02:17 – Triggers of stock halt02:48 – ConclusionWhat is the stock halt?A stock halt is a scenario where the exchange halts trading in a particular stock for some time.It may be done when a regulatory action is imposed, important news is being anticipated, or a particular stock is just being bought or sold excessively.(Explained in detail in the video)RulesWhen a stock is halted for trading, it is coded with an identification number like T1, T2, T5, H10, etc.When the situation arises for halting trading in a particular stock, the exchange announces a halt to all brokers.Triggers of stock haltIf the stock price fluctuates up and down due to high volatility, then the exchange will either halt the trading, or the circuit breakers will be activated.Trading halts have been put into place so that a select group of individuals with significant capital does not manipulate prices to their whims and fancies.This will be all for this video. Subscribe to the channel, like the video, and share it with others.==========================================================================Subscribe to Our Channel –Youtube