@ANCount- Accountancy with Anupama.
GAAP refers to the rules or guidelines adopted for recording and reporting of business transactions in order to bring uniformity in the preparation and presentation of financial statements. These are also called as concepts, assumptions, conventions and postulates . These principles are – Business entity concept, money measurement concept, going concern concept, accounting period concept, historical cost concept, revenue recognition concept, matching principle concept, conservatism principle, full disclosure concept and materiality concept.
What is Gap ? ,
What are the features of GAAP ?,
What is meant by GAAP in accounting ?,
What is GAAP and its types ?,
Basis of accounting.,
Theory base of accounting class 11.,
Chapter 2 accounts class 11.,
What is business entity principle with example ?,
Why is business entity principle important ?,
What is business entity principle class 11 ?,
What is business entity concept ?,
What is money measurement concept ?,
What is the limitation of money measurement concept ?,
Importance of money measurement concept.,