Session #76 “Sustainability Reporting Is Going Mainstream in the Capital Markets”
The deadline for companies across Europe to comply with the EU Whistleblowing Directive is fast approaching. With only a couple of months until the December 17 deadline, companies with 250 or more employees must set up internal reporting channels for the protection of whistleblowers, in order to adhere to the Whistleblowing Directive.But what happens to the companies in Europe that have their headquarters based in the US? How does the upcoming Directive impact these companies? What are some lessons that have been learned from real life investigations that companies should bear in mind? This joint webinar with Grant Thornton Forensic Practice will discuss global investigations and the impact of EU Whistleblower regulations on US companies.In this webinar, our expert speakers will discuss:- How does the investigation process work and how to identify best-practices in conducting global investigations?- How are remediation action plans developed and implemented?- The impact of upcoming EU regulatory changes specific to whistleblowing and how they will affect US companies.- Overview of regulatory changes and what actions US companies should consider.Find out more about Europe’s most trusted whistleblowing system EQS Integrity Line:
The Board and the IAC will meet to discuss topics of interest to financial statement users, including an update on the FASB Invitation to Comment, Agenda Consultation
Tina Roh COO and Co-founder of shares how your nonprofit can get cryptocurrency as a donation. Fast forward to minute 26:21 to learn how to setup your account to put a donation button on your website to accept crypto.You can sign up at every.orgSign up for our 5-day Grant Writing Success Challenge at
Learn about the new CPA licensure model coming in 2024 and what you can do to start preparing.
#equityinvestment #coffeetalk #equityinvestmentcoffeetalk #usgaap #ifrs#earningsmanagement #opportunisticbehaviour #vbl #equityaccounting#consolidationaccounting You are invited! Bring your own coffee cup and screen!Let’s discuss an interesting topic of the Firm Equity Investment Decision.Please share some comments to further discuss! Looking forward to hearing from you!Discussed article source: Firm Equity Investment Decisions and U.S. GAAP and IFRS Consolidation Control Guidelines: An Empirical AnalysisAllison K. Beck, Bruce K. Behn, Andrea Lionzo, Francesca Rossignoli (2017)
GAAP [Video]
#GAAP#generallyacceptedaccountingprinciples#IFRS#FASB# InternationalFinancialReportingStandards#LIFO#lastinfirstout#researchanddevelopmentcost#reversing write-down#gaapmeasuresFor inspirational and motivational merchandise click here:https://double-e-crafts-ph.creator-sp…… unlimited 100 on this link:
Hosted by TechSoup Connect Texas chapter on November 9, 2021. Roh, COO and co-founder of shared with nonprofits how your nonprofit can easily accept crypto support for free— and without additional legal/accounting hassles— through
Are you ready for the CPA exam in 2022? Which parts have the biggest changes, FAR, Audit, BEC, or REG? The audit report for a non-issuer is the biggest change in Audit.
Board of Education – Public Session – 11/9/2021
Accounting & Reporting on Foreign Operations-Pt2
Financial Reporting for Owner’s Equity-Pt2