Resources for Physical Therapists

Simple Tools to Help Therapy go Deeper [Video]

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This is the minimally edited, podcast-style version of my video "Simple Tools to Help Therapy go Deeper" You can catch the shorter and snappier version of the video here: We all have moments with clients where they just can’t seem to crack into the deeper layers of their emotions. Sometimes, it can be tempting to try to convince our clients to lean into their emotions. But I've learned over the years that often emotions are difficult to access because they're too intense. So in today's episode, I share some of my favorite tools to help reduce the emotional charge of clients' emotions so they have an easier time accessing and expressing how they really feel. As always, this episode does not constitute clinical or professional advice. I'm just sharing some tools I like to use 🙂 Thank you to Paubox for sponsoring this episode. Paubox makes HIPAA-secure email easy …

Resources for Physical Therapists

Vectra Wee Walker [Video]

Vectra Wee Walker is a pediatric walker boot where Cosmic Design meets Stellar Accuracy. Featuring customizable patches and out-of-this-world engineering to endure the demands of active play while facilitating optimal recovery. With a precise fit to children’s true size and low-profile rocker sole, every step ensures a safe and protected journey through the stars.