I’ve taught at several different business schools, and I’ve found that both higher-tier and lower-tier business schools teach the same business concepts. You’ll learn about Porter’s Five Forces, the four P’s of marketing, and the financial statements. So if you’re learning the same concepts, why do some people try so hard to get into a top business school? I mean, why does it matter where you go to school? It matters because classroom learning is just one aspect of the business school experience. What you get out of business school is also a function of: • The quality of the school’s alumni network and faculty, as well as your classmates • The helpfulness of the school’s career center • The reputation of the school and its ability to become a recruiting target for top firms — Edspira is the creation of Michael McLaughlin, an award-winning professor who went from teenage homelessness to a PhD. Edspira’s mission is to make a high-quality business education freely available to the world. — SUBSCRIBE FOR A FREE 53-PAGE GUIDE TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, PLUS: • A 23-PAGE GUIDE TO MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTING • A 44-PAGE GUIDE TO U.S. TAXATION • A 75-PAGE GUIDE TO FINANCIAL STATEMENT ANALYSIS • MANY MORE FREE PDF GUIDES AND SPREADSHEETS * http://eepurl.com/dIaa5z — SUPPORT EDSPIRA ON PATREON *https://www.patreon.com/prof_mclaughlin — GET CERTIFIED IN FINANCIAL STATEMENT ANALYSIS, IFRS 16, AND ASSET-LIABILITY MANAGEMENT * https://edspira.thinkific.com — LISTEN TO THE SCHEME PODCAST * Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/scheme/id1522352725 * Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4WaNTqVFxISHlgcSWNT1kc * Website: https://www.edspira.com/podcast-2/ — GET TAX TIPS ON TIKTOK * https://www.tiktok.com/@prof_mclaughlin — ACCESS INDEX OF VIDEOS * https://www.edspira.com/index — CONNECT WITH EDSPIRA * Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Edspira * Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/edspiradotcom * LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/edspira — CONNECT WITH MICHAEL * Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/Prof_McLaughlin * LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/prof-michael-mclaughlin — ABOUT EDSPIRA AND ITS CREATOR * https://www.edspira.com/about/ * https://michaelmclaughlin.com