Resources for Accountants

Unlocking the Puzzle of Accounting for Foreign Currency [Video]

Unlocking the Puzzle of Accounting for Foreign Currency

This is the introductory video to our self-study eLearning course “Unlocking the Puzzle of Accounting for Foreign Currency.” Check it out here:

Accounting for foreign currency is foreign to many people. It’s easy to see why. It’s confusing! It raises questions such as:
-How do you read foreign exchange rates?
-Should you divide or multiply the rate by the amount of foreign currency?
-What’s the difference between the reporting currency, foreign currency, and functional currency?
-Where are gains and losses recorded? P&L? OCI?

Given the recent volatility in foreign currency markets, there is a renewed focus on the accounting for foreign currency under ASC 830. From foreign currency transactions to translation of financial statements, check out this self-study eLearning module to make sure you’re covered!

Read some of our blog posts about Foreign Currency:

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Resources for Accountants

How to Start an Indian Restaurant Business [Video]

Discover the top 10 Tips to Starting an Indian Restaurant Business. Essential Tips for business startup success. Now you can get your free business plan template gift here: - This is a high quality, full blown business plan template complete with detailed instructions and all the related spreadsheets. Allows you to easily prepare a professional business plan for your new business Also get free small business guides, tools, and worksheets at: