Resources for Accountants

Banking Industry Fundamentals: Loans [Video]

Banking Industry Fundamentals: Loans

This is the introductory video to our self-study eLearning course “Banking Industry Fundamentals: Loans.” Check it out here:

What does a bank do with all the money it receives from deposit holders? Quite often, it makes loans! There are lots of different types of loans, such as commercial, residential mortgage, auto, agricultural, and construction just to name a few. Some loans are held by a bank until maturity and some are sold after origination. Some are purchased outright, rather than being underwritten by the bank itself. All of these situations have unique accounting considerations under ASC 310 which you will learn about in this course!

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Resources for Accountants

How to Start an Indian Restaurant Business [Video]

Discover the top 10 Tips to Starting an Indian Restaurant Business. Essential Tips for business startup success. Now you can get your free business plan template gift here: - This is a high quality, full blown business plan template complete with detailed instructions and all the related spreadsheets. Allows you to easily prepare a professional business plan for your new business Also get free small business guides, tools, and worksheets at: